Okay, this is such a fucking perfect Platonic form of this bullshit argument that has been going around for fucking years it needs to be dealt with.

1. How. Many. Women. Were. Killed. This. Week. In. America?

I will guarantee you it is a LOT MORE than two.
2. Women are killed in horrific ways ALL THE TIME. DAY IN AND DAY OUT. Do you give a fuck? No you do not.

3. Why is it always BLACK trans women? Why do none of your endless weaponisations of the deaths of Black trans women EVER deal with the obvious point that the fact this is
*not* happening in the same way to white trans women tells us that something more is going on with these murders than simple 'transphobia.'

If you were genuinely concerned with these murders and were not simply interested in using them to tell women to STFU. If you actually
wanted to *stop them happening* you'd think you'd want to genuinely understand *why* they were happening.

But you don't. Because you don't GAF. They are just an instrument for you to bully women into compliance. And we are the one's who don't care about trans WOC?

4. What you call TERF ideology is SECOND WAVE FEMINISM. An entire tradition of women's thinking which was developed to explain the oppression of female people for the purposes of our OWN liberation.

That you think you can rename women's liberation thinking around the single axis
of whether it is give you what YOU NEED, is pretty much patriarchy in a nutshell. Fuck you.

5. The central points of our analysis which mean we are resisting you is that a) female ppl are oppressed because of the appropriation of our bodies ie patriarchy is sex based oppression
and b) the patriarchal idea of woman is part of the mechanism which maintains sex-based appropriation and we'd rather no be defined in terms of the mechanism of our oppression thank you very much.

Again, to reduce that to the claim that trans women are not
'real' women is to read women's thinking and existence only in terms of what it means FOR YOU. Patriarchy on a stick with bells on, AGAIN.
6. We actually have very little to say about the *goal* of trans identity . We're interested in what your movement does *to us and our thought.* I see TRAs claim that we are saying trans people are not *real* women FAR more often than I see women saying it. What I see women say
is 'female people exist and we have our own reality.' So, if female people existing and having their own reality is causing problems for trans identity, why is it women's responsibility to move over?

Again, because you can't conceive us as anything but a resource FOR YOU.
7. But note what this conversion allows, as you are going to make evident.

Because if you were going to claim 'men murder trans women because female people claim they exist' - which is actually what you are doing - it would sound INSANE.

But if you convert that into 'the core
of women's thinking is that trans women are deceptive liars' then you can make that association sound much more plausible.

8. So, first off, you don't actually have the evidence to make this sweeping claim about why men murder Black trans women.
I did look at this claim in more detail back in 2015, and the specifics of the cases of the murder of the Black trans women in the US in that year, didn't bear it out.

9. Anyway, even if the murder of Black trans women but only Black trans women and not for some reason white trans women could be attributed to something akin to 'gay panic' that STILL WOULDN'T BE FEMINISTS FAULT.

Gay panic is a product of the structure of patriarchal masculinity
NOT simply 'the existence of sex.'

It is a product of the way patriarchal masculinity is structured by a fragile idea of invulnerability and impenetrability that is threatened by the existence of other male's dicks in a sexual context.
That fragile structure is also part of *why* males rape women.

So yeah, we're not big into either, and our liberation philosophy certainly didn't create it. Which you'd know, if you actually bothered to understand anything about it.
But yeah, please, by all means, carry on explaining why female people asserting they exist creates the entire structure of patriarchal masculinity and its associated homophobia.
10. That's all we're gonna get of the 'argument' about why female ppl asserting their existence causes men to kill trans women.

It doesn't bear the remotest scrutiny.

But don't that stop you using it to spend 6 tweets emotionally blackmailing women in the most hyperbolic terms.

Fuck off. Seriously, just fuck right the fucking fuck off. And then fuck off some more.

Women are brutalised and raped and murdered day in and day out because MALE PEOPLE THINK THEY EXIST TO SERVE THEIR NEEDS.
What you have done here is to exhibit precisely the kind of fucking entitlement to women's existence that actually is the core of male violence, both against women, and also, most likely, trans women.

We are not your fucking mirrors. We are not your support humans. We are not
a formless void that must just bend around your wants and desires. We are not being entitled for SIMPLY ASSERTING WE EXIST.

And if us asserting we exist is causing some kind of problem. IT'S YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM.

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