1/ Every 2 months I do detailed investor updates. It allows me to get out of a tactical day to day mindset and think at a high level.

An entrepreneur asked me what format they should use so I thought I would share mine here with wider community.

1. Company mission 1 liner: Just to remind everyone what we are about.

2. Investor asks: investors are sometimes busy so its nice to have your asks upfront just in case they can easily help.

3. Key metrics:

Do as much work as possible for the investors. a) 4-6 months on KPIs (include revenue) b) month to month change %. c) graph for the most important metric.

Most important metric should be an early indicating metric for future net revenue or net revenue.

4. 3 things going well
5. 3 things to improve/resolve

Key with this is to be as honest as possible. But still try to present issues in an actionable "how I am going to resolve this" way.

5. Update on the top 5 things you said you were going to do.
6. Top 5 things to do by next update.

I like to mix up product and business goals here. Its always fun to see how much you achieved and what your misses were.

7. Deep dive into 1-2 subjects.

I normally pick on some new product features or trend we are seeing and dig into it further.

8. Financials - cash flow burn, runway etc.

I just send the updates as en email with investors cc’d. We add nice headings and bullet points but nothing fancy.

I am not a fan of PDFs or another service to send them. Keep it simple and no work for the recipient.

Writing updates out and sharing with team gets about 90% of the value for me.

Great way to get internal alignment and talk to the team about the company.

We have 120 investors so end up getting 50+ responses to these. Often surprised how helpful people are.
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