I am trans. Let's debunk some activists talking points.

- Transwomen are men
- I was not born in the wrong body.
- I was not born trans.
- Dysphoria doesn't mean "delusional"
- I don't believe that am an actual woman.
- I don't want access to women's spaces.
- I don't believe it's right for intact males to demand access to the spaces of women and girls.
- I want men to accept us out of the box.
- I don't "feel" like a woman inside, I don't even know what that would feel like.
- I was born gay.
- I was bullied.
- I was closeted and married a woman, and had two kids. I know how babies are made.
- I believe men who pretend to be women know it's offensive.
- A transwoman uses expression, surgery, and/or medications to present as feminine. It's all superficial.
-It is not required by law to make any attempt to pass.
- I am against stealing sport positions, scholarships, places on executive boards, or otherwise presenting ourselves as women for the purpose of speaking for them, and in place of them.
- Feminists have never hurt me. Men have.
- Trans Activists lie, distort and manipulate arguments to get sympathy. We are not the most oppressed people. Women are.
- Many transwomen love and respect women. We were inspired to be like them, not to BE them.
- Stonewall and Mermaids stopped speaking for us when they began to target children for transition (deeply disturbing and very wrong), and when they became aggressive towards LGB and women for seeking inclusion in new discussions. They have become dishonest and untrustworthy.
oh, and...
- Heterosexual men aren't lesbians.
- No you aren't transphobic for wanting to talk about this, or ask questions.
- No you aren't transphobic if you are same sex attracted and don't want to date someone with a penis, or a vagina; opposite to your sexual orientation.
This is blowing up faster than I can respond.
I want to like all your comments and respond where I can, but it would take hours. Thank you everyone!
Follow some fine feminists, lesbians, intersex, and trans people like...
Allies and experts....
@Glinner @Baroness_Nichol @joannaccherry @anotherbob @exwifeofliar @jk_rowling (the queen!) @JustDavidDavid @DrJessTaylor @janeclarejones @FondOfBeetles @FredSargeant
Not a complete list, but we do need many more allies.

I am forgetting some.
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