We begin by simply stating the truth. Black people are going through it. We see death all around us and no justice anywhere. This is more than painful. Yet we are expected to work and come in as business as usual.

But it's not business as usual. Our people are dying.

Then we go into the demands - ALL of which are specific and ALL of which need to be read carefully.

Ultimately, we demand commitment in the form of programming, funding, mentorship, and strategic planning towards an inclusive economics profession.

Following our demands, we address those who claim that they "do not know what to do" or "do not know what to say" or how to begin.

We hyperlink a slew of articles, podcasts, and other resources to help you get started.

At the end, we ask readers to ENDORSE the letter and stand with the FUTURE of the economics profession as we navigate through what could be economics and related fields reckoning with race.

This moment is critical. We hope you stand with us.


If I personally sent you a link to letter, the BARE MINIMUM you can do to show your support for Black lives and voices in Economics and Related Fields is to share the link or affiliated threads.

Thank you!
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