Story time. On the 25th August 1992 I was on holiday with my mother and brother in Faro, Portugal. I was just a young, wide eyed boy of 15. A few days before we had arrived and I had seen a large poster outside the airport advertising an upcoming concert. My excitement levels up.
Dire Straits we’re performing at the local football stadium. In 1992 and at 15 I was very in to them and just getting in to live music myself, so naturally I wanted to go. My mother and brother were not interested remotely and I was refused to entertain the idea of actually going
So I slumped my shoulders and became a teenager for the next few days. Pissing my mother off no doubt. Ruining the family holiday. The day of the concert comes and I’m trying my best to piss her off so much she repeals the concert ban. It’s not working, my mother is stubborn
That evening I’m dragged to a local restaurant and we 3 sit outside as I am in full spoilt brat mode. A waiter comes to the table to ask us for a drink order and it is given. He then turns to the table next to us. A family of mum, dad and son and daughter. Both kids a bit older
He asks them if they want coffee and dad replies “No thanks, we are off to the concert in the stadium”. Without missing a beat my mother lets out a huge sigh and says to them “can you take my son he’s been such a pain wanting to go to that gig”. Now she was joking and was just
Trying to clear the air as there was some serious teenage daggers coming at her from me. But they said YES!! Without any pause. Before my mother could respond I was up, hand out for my spending money to get a ticket. It was hastily agreed between parents the logistics.
I didn’t care if they were killers I just wanted to see the Knopfler make his guitar sing. I was fucking excited. So we pile in to a car and head to the concert. There’s people are the reason for this story. I had a wonderful night. We got there and mum took me to get a ticket.
Dad and the kids waited by the entrance and we all went in and made out way to the front!!! Spent 3 hours dancing with them, at some point mum pulled out wine stashed in an Evian bottle. That went round. These were the coolest people I’ve ever met.
The gig ended and we made our way back to my family. I assume my mother had given them the address as we pulled up outside the villa and mother was waiting, worried she never see me again. I was so excited I didn’t sleep for days. She thought she had sent her son off to his death
I never saw those people again. So if you can help and send this story out there, I really would love to see those people again and repay the kindness they showed an overexcited boy who somehow know what song they’d play next. I loved Dire Straits what’s not I say. Thanks. H
Spelling errors and autocorrect issues are not the responsibility of the management.
Clarification. This family are English. For some reason Luton springs to mind. But they were definitely from the south. Thank you all who retweet and help me. It is very much appreciated.
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