1. There is a great divide in the awakening community. A divide between the ‘spiritual’ and purely ‘physical’ and human elements of the story. I think this is mainly due to the obvious deadening of spiritual teaching over the past couple thousand years.
2. The problem is, in my opinion, that ‘spirituality’ has come to be interpreted as none literal in some sense. I think the term itself, due to centuries of attack, has come to carry certain connotations. People immediately react to that term in a negative manner.
3. The teachings we have been given through the church and other organised religions in the West, have been so vague and misinterpreted that we have perceived there is no value to be found in thinking beyond. They are just groups to belong to. Comfort for the lost.
4. Do you realise that we are the odd ones out? We have been living in the conspiracy. The history of our world is littered with stories of ET visitation, ESP, evolution of the self through inner work… it’s everywhere and it all joins up to make a coherent story.
5. The technology itself… UFOs, Montauk Chair, Project Looking Glass… all act on the principle that all things are connected and operate in conjunction with the trained psychic mind. Scientists call it the quantum field. Modern public science exists to narrow the mind not open.
6. The reason we have been so sick, our life spans are so short, our technology so crap, we are so confused all the time… is because we are out of alignment with the universe. The power cannot flow through us, or our technology properly. They tried to cut us off from the source.
7. The human body is a vessel. An incredibly advanced vessel which is capable of things we cannot even imagine. It is in some sense a super computer. Due to birth amnesia and oppression of all information that could lead us to understand our vehicles, we never learn to use them.
8. There is also the issue that our DNA has slowly been deactivated overtime through various methods and the natural energetic vibrations that support higher consciousness have been negated through the use of EMF smog which surrounds us every day.
9. The increase in Schumann Resonance, and incoming galactic energy waves, are reactivating our dormant DNA and negating the affects of the artificial EMF signals.
10. After every successful takeover by the cabal, they destroy and rewrite history with the sole purpose of making us forget who we are and what we are capable of. Every generation is born into a more streamlined version of the altered reality they want us to live in as slaves.
11. When we talk of ‘spiritual development’, we mean waking up to what you truly are, to what the universe truly is. To interpret the outside properly, we must make sure all programs within are operating optimally.
12. It is paramount we do our inner work to correct these misalignment's first so we can connect with the higher orders of the universe. The ego, in my opinion, is the most important rogue program to understand first. Eckhart Tolle’s book – A New Earth, taught me so much.
13. Spiritual, really just means everything that is outside of normal human awareness. UFOs constantly phase in and out of our dimension and into higher dimensions we cannot perceive. When we dream or have an out of body experience, we are entering other realms.
14. If you do enough research into the history of our planet and of other non-terrestrial species you can clearly see we have been kept in a bubble. Cut off from our true heritage. We do not fight back because we don’t realise we can in any meaningful manner.
15. When we all realise we are energetic beings, capable of sending out frequency’s and vibrations which disrupt the lower energies of fear, we see how we can change the world without even having to move.
16. Every time we alchemise a heavy vibration into a lighter one within, we are healing the earth and the human consciousness. Once you overcome your own inner turmoil, you can begin healing the heavy energies which sit in the collective consciousness.
17. As prophesied repeatedly over many thousands of years, there are those here now who incarnated into a human body from realms which exist in higher vibrational states. They come into this earth carrying the higher signal to help heal. Light workers, indigo children, star seeds
18. To counteract this, the powers that be labelled these high energy beings as autistic, ADHD, ODD, ADD etc and medicated them as much as possible to block their light. None of this was to make their lives better. It was to shut them down and prevent them doing their work.
19. We are in a time of great transition. What you are seeing happening to the Deep State, Cabal, Illuminati etc is just the tip of the ice berg. We are being healed and returning to our natural state in line with the universal principles of love and unity.
20. Trust yourself to look into things you wouldn’t have before. Trust that if it is true it will resonate with you. The resonance is felt by the deepest part of your being. It is a message telling you that you are on the path. It will take you where you need to go.
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