It seems not all takeovers are created equal.

Here’s a 🧵THREAD🧵about the ways outlets have talked about the anarchy of the #SeattleAutonomousZone vs. the 2014 Bundy standoff in Oregon.

Starting with @nytimes. Can you spot the difference?
Hot on their heels is @CNN, who seem to think it’s not worth pointing out the weapons when it’s a leftist group.
@TheStranger continues to make a mockery out of their own paper. Both these from @richsssmith.
@washingtonpost is no longer interested in the “domestic terrorism” angle it seems.
@TheWeek seems excited about the “movie night” and “‘cop-free’ enclave” out in Seattle.
We’ve got local coverage! Here’s @seattletimes, welcoming all of us to the neighborhood. Less glowing profile of Mr. Bundy.
@USATODAY seems far less critical this time around.
@thisisinsider may be the dark horse favorite for worst take to be honest.
And, of course, it wouldn’t be a thread without the “AKSHUALLY it’s @realDonaldTrump’s fault” narrative. Here’s @politico’s entry.

Does anyone remember who was the President in 2014? I’ve forgotten.
And @thehill did something similar.
And don’t worry. I’m waiting for all the think pieces. They’ll take a day or two.
Anyway, all of this is dumb and it’s only going to get dumber.
@NYMag has jumped out to a commanding early lead.
Aaaaand now @TIME checks in.

Whyever would the police be interested? Also what on earth is with the Bundy headline?
I take it back. I think the lead is with your tax dollars at @NPR.
Truly having an aneurism over this @NPR piece. I’ve never seen anything like it.
I’m getting these two paragraphs tattooed onto my chest I don’t even care this is the funniest thing I’ve ever read.
@AP reported these as “festive zones” in news you truly cannot make up at this point.
And @CBSNews sure don’t seem as upset as they did with the Bundys.
I cannot get over “FESTIVE ZONES” what planet are we living on. H/t @franks_chung for the send.
Apparently the Bundys did not create a space that was “festival-like” huh @snopes?
Also, have had some folks ask, so I don’t have a Patreon or anything like that.

But if you’ve got money you can part with, I’m in LA right now and the homelessness is pretty jarring. This org helps provide tents as a short term solution for those in need:
You can always count on @Salon to put out a reliably idiotic take.

This one gave us “utopian idea”
Just adding @oliverdarcy is sharing information here that he knows or should know is a lie.
@latimes refers to it as a ‘festival’ zone.
@HuffPost has really managed to reimagine lawlessness huh? And I’m not quite sure they grasp what “peaceful” means
@USATODAY is double dipping here.

When it was the Bundys, the editorial board reiterated that “the constitution stands for the rule of law.”

But for #CHAZ, they have snacks!
@politico is back again with another entry.

Are these folks not “domestic terrorists”? Sure seems like they fit the same criteria.
Welcome to the party, @Newsweek!
I’m sure you’ve seen the thread from @CNN’s @MarshallCohen.

Would you be surprised to find out that he expressed the opposite sentiment when it came to the Bundys?

Marshall, imagine #CHAZ “in a far away place...”
We’ve got another entry from @washingtonpost, which, like all of these outlets, seems to not mention any circumstances that led to the precinct being abandoned.
HAHAHAHAHA please never change, @thedailybeast.
@thisisinsider is shooting up the leaderboard with this uniquely asinine take that interviews exactly one protestors who won’t even give his last name to pass judgement on #SeattleAutonomousZone.

Journalistic malpractice.
Part of me desperately wants this thread to end and part of me wants it to go on forever.
Someone is going to write a startlingly stupid take on this over ther weekend, I can feel it in my bones.
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