According to the 2017 Modern Family Index, women lift far more of their share of the mental load than men. it's a heavy burden that sees women having to take on the role of “unofficial keepers" of time & "perpetual guardians against anything falling through the cracks.”
women are also 3x as likely to volunteer at school and 2x more likely to be the one making sure all family responsibilities are handled. & while this report seems to focus solely on working moms, imagine how these stats rise for stay at home moms, which itself is a full time job.
the circumstances of at home moms are often overlooked or brushed aside, but regardless of circumstance it's patently unfair to assume that they should shoulder the entire burden of the entire mental load for family units.
the rational conclusion is that women carry more than their share of the mental load; that work dripping w/gendered stereotypes is expected, possibly unnoticed & rarely thanked. the stress of carrying this extra weight affects so much in terms of health-both physical & emotional.
yes, this report focuses on women with families, but it's reasonable to infer that we would find similar patterns for households with no children or even for women in the workplace. from personal exp, when i was in the office it was always the women who remembered & organised
for birthdays, for maternity leave farewells, for retirement parties, for team night's out. women shouldered the mental load of looking after the well being of people in the office & the men, myself included, were happy to go along with it. granted, some of us men were more vocal
in our appreciation of that, but it didn't alter the fact that women took on that role because if they didn't--none of it would have happened.
so why, with all of the extra stress that women are not only expected to take on but are relied upon to take, should they then shoulder the responsibility of looking after the mental health of people for whom biological reality is an affront to their feelings?
why are women expected to silently accept this caretaker role, forgoing any attempt to speak about their own biological sex based reality because that, for some, their biological wish is too fragile to handle their biological reality?
what justification is there for the hatred, the abuse, the gaslighting, the obfuscation, the denigration, the disgust they face for refusing to accept the emotional blackmail that states silence is a mandated kindness?
it's not a denial of human rights to believe in the fact that there's a difference between sex based realities. but this common refrain that women who try & engage in debate or try to speak to their own sex based experiences are hateful, violent, bigoted. they're not.
it’s critical thinking, something we’re fast losing in this age. critical thinking is needed for a functioning society. if you think that people are wrong, convincing them otherwise will never be accomplished through threats, compulsion & censorship.
anyway, women are awesome. support them, don't silence them.
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