Here’s a thread of visualizations regarding #portlandpolice use of force, arrests and budget. Will add here as I develop.
Portland police general fund is $236M. Shown here are other bureau that interest me. PPB’s general fund is almost more than all of them combined.
The Office of Equity and Human rights general fund is outspent by PPB 118:1.
Nearly half of all subjects of PPB’s use of force in Q1 2020 (Jan-Mar) were houseless.
1450 Black Portlanders were the subjects of PPB’s use of force in Q1 2020. They disproportionately experience use of force, as when I normalize this measure by population distribution we would only expect around 286 Black subjects.
Many people asked me if we defunded PPB, who would respond to sexual assaults or burglaries? My response was this representation of use of force incidents in Q1 2020, wherein we see the top 5 call types that result in force compared to robbery, vandalism, burglary, DV and SA.
On Tuesday June 9th, Mayor Wheeler revealed he would be defunding PPB by $7M, along with $5M coming from other bureaus to be allocated to marginalized communities. @UniteOregon, @paalf_advocacy and @colorcoalition call for $50M.
Since Mayor Wheeler has been in office, PPB budget has increased nearly 50M. On June 17th 2020, city council decreased the 20-21 budget from the Mayors proposal by 15M
Portland Police Budget General funds 2010-2021
Portland Police Bureau use of force over time
Crime Rate (normalized by population) compared with use of force over time
Each arrest made by Portland Police Bureau costs approximately $3-4,000
Data from DAs office. Half of PPB’s arrests aren’t convicted, aren’t guilty of any crime. Arrested protesters are doxxed by folks like Andy Ngø, who’s followers threaten death and injury to protesters.
Portland Police Bureau budget compared to cities of similar size. Portland has the smallest pop of the 7 cities, but mid-range budget- normalized by cost per citizen (2019).
Black portlanders are more likely to be subjects of both non-traffic stops and traffic stops: in 2019, 5x and 2x more likely respectively.
You can follow @KatMcKelvey.
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