"You attract what you are"

When it comes to women you generally attract what you are

And I'm not just talking about looks

There will be certain kinds of girls that the current you could never attract

This also includes some types of girls you wouldn't want to attract...
I'll give you a personal example

I never attract the UK 'Chav' type of girl (No one uses that term much any longer)

And I wouldn't want to

This is because something about the way I look and act doesn't bring us together in anyway

The same applies on the other end of the spectrum

I rarely ever attract (or approach) the kind of girl who is into cosmetic surgeries and Yves Saint Laurent handbags

They aren't drawn to me and I'm not drawn to them

But some of you reading this may date many girls like that...
I'm not living the kind of life that would bring me into their world

Even if I tried to bypass social circles using cold approach, I would hit a brick wall

And of course, by me saying that it also becomes a self fulfilling prophecy

I attract (have success with) girls who are a mirror of myself in that moment

So in the past when I have regrettably 'dumpster dived'

I was acting in an ugly, low value way, which attracted an ugly, low value girl for my quick and shameful bang

I got what I deserved
Then on the other hand

When I hit the street for daygame, well presented, no neediness, no desperation and lots of cocky charm

I can attract a girl who mirrors those traits too

One that isn't unattractive or low hanging fruit

Because I'm not giving out that sort of vibe...
So how does this apply to you?

You have to take a look at the kind of girls you can get and ask why you are getting them?

Some people talk about other dimensions overlapping our own, but we can't see them due to a difference in wavelengths

This is similar to attraction...
A player can bypass this difference in wavelengths by using some fast and intense seduction skills

But he can't overcome the difference for more than a few cheeky bangs on the sly

He's not what would properly attract this certain type of girl for long...
It's not a case of a girl being better than you (of course they're not)

It's a case of lacking magnetism

And not putting out the kind of energy you want to receive

The girls you can get really are your mirror image and you get to decide what you present to the mirror!
Absolutely, we all need to keep levelling up and put everything together.
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