Having spent a decent chunk of the 20 years studying public monuments & revolutionary iconoclasm, am both awed & dumbstruck by the downpour of falling statues. Since I can't muster much more than 🙌✊, here's an attempt at a list of what's come down so far #TakeEmDown 1/n
But first, a reminder that each has a local as well as a global/transnational history behind it & that the taking down is as much a part of statues' history as the putting up 2/n https://twitter.com/Laprofmme/status/1266848505492123648?s=20
Back from meeting…

So, Antillais French were first this past month, but let's not forget activists have been fighting to remove Confederate & imperialist statues on both sides of the Atlantic for years w/ #RhodesMustFall in Cape Town, @RMF_Oxford & #TakeEmDown in US
This meant these statues already had targets on them when protests began to spread across the US after the killing of George Floyd on May 25 https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2020/05/31/us/ap-us-minneapolis-police-death-confederate-monuments.html?searchResultPosition=20
Looks like the first statue pulled down outright was anti-anti-lynching newspaperman Edward Carmack in Nashville on May 30
(Ndlr: replacing him with an icon of settler colonialism isn't a huge improvement, tho, Nasville) https://twitter.com/natalie_allison/status/1266896064143077382?s=20
Think the thread maybe broke there?
https://twitter.com/laprofmme/status/1270847249094934528?s=21 https://twitter.com/Laprofmme/status/1270847249094934528
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