Daniel Radcliffe played Harry Potter but he never understood what the world of Harry Potter represented. Many of you read Harry Potter and got all caught up in the glitz but never understood the story of resistance to the rise of authoritarianism behind the magic.
Ask why you're more interested in knowing what house you'd be in, than knowing what you would do when the barbarians are at the gate? I've seen everything from the Harry Potter fandom BUT heartfelt metas on resistance, citizenship and responsibility during regime change.
@jk_rowling explained how fascism hides in a society's purity politics and the desperate things we must do to resist, but too many of you just saw the pretty packaging she wrapped it up in and turned your brains off.
Now it has come to this, it is 2020 and she's fighting fascism hidden in purity politics and you're crying because she took the magic away. The magic was never the point. The magic was there to make the message easier to absorb. Fighting fascism was point.
People are mad because they thought that when trouble came, when the time came to stand up and be counted they'd be in Dumbledore's Army. But no, what @jk_rowling did, which they will never EVER forgive her for, is hold up a mirror and let them see that they are the Death eaters.
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