Military grade thermite explosives were used to melt the massive steel columns that held up the towers as well as a series of timed explosives set off in sequence on every floor, imploding the buildings. This allowed them to free fall like a planned demolition.
There's witness testimony and video evidence of explosives being set off one after another on every floor. It would've been impossible for the towers to symmetrically free fall otherwise. There's also overwhelming evidence of the presence of nano thermite: https://digwithin.net/2013/12/08/thermite/
Here's an excellent presentation by Dr. Judy Wood, a former professor of mechanical engineering with research interests in experimental stress analysis, structural mechanics, and deformation analysis, explaining the evaporation of the towers seen on 9/11:
The witness & video evidence, lack of debris from the skyscrapers & planes, the melted cars found in the area, the molten metal that smoldered for months after, no sound or seismic indication of a collapse, and all other evidence proves burning jet fuel didn't destroy the towers.
The planes seen on 9/11 were CGI superimposed on television news. Hollow aluminum objects cannot penetrate into steel & concrete structures, they should crumble on impact, and plane wings would've sheered off from turbulence traveling at that speed & altitude long before impact.
There's video showing no planes, witnesses that saw only explosions, and there's no engine sounds that we would expect to hear from passenger planes. Here's a video compilation of the impossible physics of the planes impacting the towers as seen on 9/11: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z5jV44aubIM7/
The TV documentaries created regarding hijackers on 9/11 were made to further convince the unaware public that planes hit the towers. A ground explosion was staged in PA to create the illusion of a plane crash. What hit the Pentagon was a drone, seen here:
Osama Bin Laden was the CIA asset our gov't used to blame the 9/11 attacks on in order to start war. Evidence suggests Bin Laden died before 9/11. They then faked Bin Laden's death during Obama's presidency and created the propaganda film Zero Dark Thirty:
Here's another important video created by renown researcher & journalist James Corbett documenting the predictive programming seen before the attacks and the War Game exercises, simulations, and fake radar injects that took place during the events of 9/11:
Here's a video analysis of the events of 9/11 by Ace Baker, a visual effects expert, in which he demonstrates exactly how the mainstream media superimposed the computer generated images of the passenger planes right onto 'live' television news broadcasts: https://www.bitchute.com/video/E030V6FTvHW5/
9/11 Whistleblowers: Kevin Ryan was the site manager at Environmental Health Laboraties. On November 11, 2004, he wrote directly to Frank Gayle, the director of #NIST's Twin Towers investigation. The following week, he was fired.
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
9/11 Whistleblowers: Dr. Cate Jenkins, an Environmental Scientist for the #EPA, attempted to expose the EPA's faulty and fraudulent air quality testing practices. For her efforts, she endured a long legal battle with her own agency.
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
9/11 Whistleblowers: Barry Jennings was the Deputy Director of Emergency Services for the NYC Housing Authority. He was trapped in #WTC7 by a series of explosions that—according to the official government narrative—never happened.
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
9/11 Whistleblowers: William Rodriguez was a janitor holding a master key to #WTC1. He risked his life to help those trapped in the Towers, but his story was curated from MSM reports because it contradicted the official narrative.
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
9/11 Whistleblowers: 6 out of the 10 commissioners who wrote the 9/11 report have admitted that the commission was misled, stymied, hampered by conflicts of interest, and forced to participate in a politically-motivated cover-up.
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
Proof gov't is wrong about #WTC7. The Franklin Square and Munson Fire District commissioners call for a new investigation, University of Alaska Fairbanks' bombshell $300K study, and an interview with Richard Gage of @AE911Truth.
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
University Study Concludes: Fire Did Not Bring Down #WTC7 on 9/11 ( @AE911Truth)
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
A technical analysis of the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings by thousands of architects and engineers proves conclusively that the official 9/11 story is a total lie. Did you know THREE buildings in NY collapsed on 9/11?
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
Where was President George W. Bush on 9/11? Why did Bush's secret service detail not physically remove the President from his publicly disclosed, unsecured location in the first crucial minutes of an all-out attack on America?
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
9/11 Suspects: Former NY Mayor @RudyGiuliani oversaw the illegal destruction of the crime scene and is criminally liable for the deaths of hundreds of emergency workers for not passing on prior warnings about the towers collapsing.
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
9/11 Suspects: Christine Todd Whitman, former #EPA administrator, had falsely assured the brave men and women who rushed to the World Trade Center after 9/11 to help with the search and rescue that the air was safe to breathe.
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
9/11 Suspects: Philip D. Zelikow, executive director for the 9/11 Commission, picked the areas of investigation, the topics for hearings, the witnesses, and the lines of questioning. In effect, he was in charge of the investigation.
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
9/11 Suspects: Former CIA agent Robert Baer admitted to the cameras of #WeAreChange that he knew someone who had foreknowledge of 9/11. No one ever asked Baer for more info despite the exceptionally grave nature of this admission.
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
9/11 Suspects: General Ralph Eberhart's story of 9/11 is a lie designed to absolve himself and other members of the United States military charged with defending American airspace from the most catastrophic failure in their history.
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
9/11 Suspects: Days after 9/11, media outlets repeated unconfirmed reports of arrests that took place. We now have thousands of pages of FBI, CIA and DOJ reports documenting those arrests. Many were Israeli intelligence operatives.
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
9/11 helped justify the #NSA's illegal surveillance. As awareness grew, government and corporate media waged an information war to misdirect our anger to less important issues. If they can spy on everyone, they can blackmail anyone.
#FalseFlag #NeverForget
Two months before 9/11, the World Trade Center’s lease was sold to Larry Silverstein who took out an insurance plan which covered terrorism. After 9/11, Silverstein was awarded $4.5 billion, but he wasn't the only one to profit. #FalseFlag #NeverForget
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