This is a case of false interpretation of सूत्र literature like #अर्थशास्त्रम् and trying to misquote कौटिल्य

This happen when u don't know #संस्कृतम्

Here, I will put facts from the same chapter दासकर्मकरकल्पम् (3.13)

दास is not slave. How ? Read in this thread

The very first सूत्र in this chapter says :
उदरदासवर्जमार्यप्राणमप्राप्तव्यवहारं ...

Except उदरदास (The one who is दास out of his compulsion), nobody from 4 वर्ण can be made दास

Violation of this rule attracts various levels of दण्ड ... Highest is प्राणदण्ड.
Above rule is made crystal clear in next सूत्र - न तु एव आर्यस्य दासभावः

As a general rule, nobody from आर्य (ब्राह्मण/क्षत्रिय/वैश्य/शूद्र) can be made दास

कौटिल्य further states
म्लेच्छानाम् अदोषः प्रजां विक्रेतुम् आधातुं वा (but मलेच्छ, who is out of आर्य fold, does it)
कौटिल्य is very strict on giving दण्ड to the person if an आर्य is made दास by him/her illegally

Also, a master can't physically exploit दास (male/female). If done, दास gets released from the clutch ... Also the master to pay hefty fine.

And don't forget few important सूत्र

• आत्मविक्रणियः प्रजाम् आर्यां विद्यात्
• मूल्येन च आर्यत्वं गच्छेत्

progeny of आर्य दास remain आर्य and can be freed upon paying back to the master. Master is NOT the owner of earnings of his/her दास
कौटिल्य has covered many such clarifications on दासप्रथा

He has, in fact, provided dignity to दास and shown the world how a दास should be treated keeping humanity in center.

A slave is devoid of dignity & humanity in other cultures so दास & slave are two different concepts
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