There are def theorisations of arundathi roy’s view of how she a black woman. Thanks to @abhigna_arigala for bringing this to my notice. Here’s a link to the article:
I have a huge problem with people who are wheatish skin claiming they are dark. Because
a. this validated the idea that any fair that is not closest to this shade is considered dark. Choosing Kareena cuz she is actually pale af w/o makeup. You can look up pics.
b. This unlike many other things is a remnant of colonisation
c. Wheatish shade people also tan easily
which means that we get shades darker and lighter depending on sun exposure
d. Darker skinned people don’t have that option
e. Unlike them we don’t face anywhere the same amount of hate.
f. It’s due to this assumption we have NEVER had a dark skin heroine in tamizh cinema and
I would argue any Indian cinema. The best we have come is dusky. Which is smita Patel/saritha/silk Smitha. Roy is not even that shade. Also, many of these women with the exception of Smitha Patel were not considered beautiful. Silk Smitha was sexy not beautiful. Dusky women are
not seen as beautiful but sexy and this has deep casteist roots ofc. Roy has always been considered beautiful due to her carrying v.eurocentric features of beauty. High nose, sharp cheekbones, skinny. Very very fuckn opposite to black women (as she refers). And at best she may
have been perceived as exotic. We have to remember Beyoncé who is several fuckn shades darker than arundathi is considered light skinned and her success in the industry as seen as unfair because lighter skinned black womxn artists get more space compared to someone like kelly
these are not my assertions but plenty of black ppl have pointed this out for decades! In such a scenario it’s absolutely awful that Roy calls herself a black woman and for someone intelligent, this can only be read as opportunistic appropriation of an identity give her history
and not just plain ignore or that she is stupid. So who is dark? The photo of womxn here went viral a few years ago and I don’t know source please tag if you do. I tried hard to find a dark skinned womxn but I couldn’t. Here is a guy who is amazing on tiktok, go follow him and
there are plenty of women even within my family who are this shade. And my face which is several shades darker than arundathi is STILL fucking light and I would never presume to get the same hate for being dark cuz that’s not the truth!
Another example. Also I know women personally who are this shade but I don’t want to randomly add them w/o their express permission. But I am trying hard to find women on public platforms like tiktok with this skin shade but not able to
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