Okay, I keep getting being told that no one is denying that sex/the female sex exists, and being asked for "proof". Collating here. Feel free to add.
"No one is saying sex doesn't exist" - also, trans women are adult human females. #nooneissayingsexdoesntexist
A variant: sex exists, but male and female don't. #nooneissayingsexdoesntexist
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but gynaecologists should treat transwomen.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Well this one's quite clear.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist But the word female is now redefined.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Maybe this was meant ironically? Let's hope.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist I'm going to be honest. This file was saved on my computer as "It's Naomi, because of course it is".
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Honestly not sure what this is even saying, but a woman can't be -mostly- male. No one can be -mostly- male.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Ah, the classic female penis. That's going to be in this thread a lot.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist It's just a sort of rough guess.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Oh no wait, it's genocide.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Damn doctors, amirite?
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist I mean, technically, I guess they're saying that sex does exist but it's decided by gender? Not actual physical differences. So I'm not sure what the word "biologically" is doing there.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Sex exists, but male and female don't. Gotcha.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Trans women get periods. I mean, this isn't technically denying that sex exists, but it's pretty strongly against biological facts, so I'm including it.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Now I read the first tweet here and thought "Maybe they're just making a linguistic point about 'woman' vs 'female'". But reading on, nope, they're definitely excluding sex from the discussion. Quite remarkable how hard they work to avoid the word.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Or, if it does, it's transphobic to ever mention it. Ever. Even if it's relevant.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist "It's complicated". And has no practical implications that anyone should take note of at all.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Yes, females can impregnate other females with their female sperm from their female penis.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Sex *might* exist, but if you mention it, you're a literal Nazi.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist This one might be someone trolling, since Pliny the Elder is well-known for having got lots of science really, really wrong. If not, they're well-named.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist "Adult Human Female".
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist PSA: If you were not born female, and you're bleeding down below or in your urine, please seek medical attention. Not being ironic or snarky, here, this can be a sign of cancer.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist The infamous "gender unicorn" that says sex is "assigned at birth". (Incidentally appropriating language used by the intersex community.) And others intersex people.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist "biologically male" is just a relative term.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Another "it's complicated".
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Humans can change sex. Sex is a living system. You might wake up tomorrow and be the other sex. Or a third sex. Or anything really. A clownfish, maybe.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist It's mutable. Not cosmetically mutable. If you've had the surgery, you are literally the new sex. I mean, evidence might show that you're still taller, stronger, or whatever. But that's not sex, it's just luck.
This whole thread is worth reading on how sex and gender have been *deliberately* confused.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist https://mobile.twitter.com/Scottish_Women/status/1132958234376048641
Clue, a menstruation tracking app, is keen to let you know that it's not just for females, it's for anyone who menstruation.
Special award to Twitter for deciding that the existence of sex violates their rules. #nooneissayingsexdoesntexist
Biological sex isn't naturally occurring. Also, it's not very reliable. #nooneissayingsexdoesntexist
That's not how sex works. #nooneissayingsexdoesntexist
Let's just conflate gender and sex again, shall we? πŸ™„

Those boxes? They're gender. Trans ideology keeps insisting everyone has one, even to the extent of encoraging surgery on people's bodies to fit their gender box.

Apparently @ActionAidUK is a charity working with women and girls. I wonder how they know that? #nooneissayingsexdoesntexist
I wonder how Planned Parenthood Ottawa explains who might get pregnant if contraception fails, and what impact it might have on their lives? #nooneissayingsexdoesntexist
This sticky-out thing? It's a vagina. #nooneissayingsexdoesntexist
The "violence" of saying that sex is binary. This person is a lawyer for the ACLU. #nooneissayingsexdoesntexist
Existing as a female... #nooneissayingsexdoesntexist
Please, remember the clownfish. πŸ™„

#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist except Janet here.
A woman is someone who is female. A female is someone who says they're female. There's another boring, technical definition but no one likes it. πŸ™„

#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but describing female anatomy as female anatomy is transphobic. πŸ™„
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but there's no such thing as discrimination based on sex because being female is just having less erectile tissue?πŸ™„
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist except Morgane, because Morgane definitely is. It's all just a certificate.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but Kamala Harris isn't the first female VP and it's gross to suggest she is. πŸ™„
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist, just know that there are at least six sexes. πŸ™„
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but you can't tell what someone's sex is by looking. Not in anyone.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but if I throw enough long words at it, maybe you'll forget that all these things are aligned into one of two combinations in the vast majority of the human race.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but once again, Morgane definitely is.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist except Chase, too. Chase says sex doesn't exist. (Or is reassuring us that trans people aren't robots, I suppose.)
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist Oh, sorry, Sally's saying it too.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but they are somewhat redefining "birth".
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist except, once again, this person. So many people still saying the thing that "no one is saying".
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but this Green Party person says that humans can change sex. It's policy. Who can argue with policy?
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist and *technically* this tweet says that sex can be described. But if you've redefined "male" and "female" how do we describe it?
You might think it's just a few cranks. But this is a lawyer for @ACLU speaking. And speaking. And speaking... Despite the fact that a cursory glance at the facts proves them wrong.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but it's socially defined and if you know what sex you are, that's just a gender identity not a fact. πŸ™„

(Seems to be some confusion between a stereotype and a definition here.)
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but it's "infinite and largely unknowable". πŸ™„
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but it's "wildly subjective and not well defined at all". πŸ™„
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but "no one is biologically a woman". πŸ™„
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but it's unbelievably complicated how babies are made. Amazing that so many people and animals manage to reproduce, really.
#nooneissayingsexdoesntexist but ... I kinda feel like this one deserves a special award for jumping from sex denial to toxicity.
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