Omega Kirishima sneaking into Bakugou's room when the blonde is downstairs cooking dinner. He just wants some clothes for his heat, but he knows it would be weird to ask since they're just bros and Kirishima maybe kinda plans to come ALL over them.
He's so busy picking out the shirts he wants, the ones Katsuki wears the most & the sweatest ones in his laundry, debating if he can get away with a pillow, that he doesn't hear Katsuki open his door. So he doesn't move from his spot rifling through the Alpha's clothes basket.
They both freeze, Katsuki because he's shocked to see Eijirou in his room with an armload of stolen clothes and a tanktop in his mouth and Eijirou because Katsuki was not supposed to come back to his room oh GOD
Katsuki's eyes drop down to the clothes and back up to Kirishima's face. He rolls his eyes. "You could have fuckin asked, Kiri. I would have gave you shit for your heat, moron." He swipes the packet of seasoning off his dresser that he came upstairs for. "We're pack, dipshit."
Kirishima nods his head dumbly, because his Alpha is so nice and smells so good.

"Dunce face has my hoodie if that's what you're looking for. You fuckers must have synced."
Kirishima's good mood disintegrates. "You gave stuff to Kami?"

"Yeah? I just fucking said we're pack."

Kirishima frowns harder. "You gave him your hoodie?"
Katsuki shrugs. "It's what he asked for. And since he didn't sneak into my room and steal it..." katsuki trails off pointedly.
Kirishima's fingers pull at a loose thread on one of Bakugou's shirts. "But you wear that hoodie all the time," he whines. He wanted that hoodie! "It's smells so strong." He pouts.
Katsuko shrugs. "I dunno what to tell you, Hair For Brains. I already gave it to him."

Kirishima roots himself into place, his frown becoming a pout.

Bakugou groans. "Don't fucking do that."
Kirishima's bottom lip wobbles. He just wanted that hoodie. For his nest! Now his nest is gonna suck and he's going to have a shitty heat.

"Eijirou.. come on..."

Now he doesn't even want these stupid second rate clothes! All he wants is that stupid hoodie that stupid Kami has.
"GODDAMN IT." Katsuki shouts before he stomps out of the room.

He isn't gone long, but when he comes back he's holding out the hoodie that Kami was supposed to have had and he's shirtless. "Fuckin' here. I got the fucking hoodie. Had to give the idiot my shirt but here."
Kirishima gasps and jerks the hoodie to his face. The hoodie! It smells just like his Alpha! "Thanks, Katsuki! You're the best." He rubs his face against the cloth for a second before frowning. He /had/ kind of liked the shirt Bakugou was wearing earlier... the one Kami now had..
Katsuki starts shaking his head. "Absolutely not. Eijirou, I'm not going back over there for another fuckin' exchange. Deal with it!"

Kirishima looks over to the side. He's so sad. He just wants the shirt Bakugou was wearing, probably still warm and damp from his sweat...
Scrubbing a hand down his face, Katsuki grits, "what can I give him."

Kirishima almost says they can give Denki nothing. He doesn't NEED anything from Bakugou.

But that's mean, because they //are// pack, and pack omegas need the entire packs scent to feel good during heat.
So he looks around for something for Kami. He doesn't want to share any of his shirts and like hell he's getting any of Bakugou's pants or underwear.

He's not taking a pillow or sheets because Kiri wants those....

Oh! There!
Kirishima bends over and pulls the edge of the black material under the bed to hand to Bakugou.

"There! He can have that!" He says with a cheery smile.

Katsuki looks incredulous. "You want to take all my shirts and my hoodie and you want to give Denki//a sock//?"
Kirishima bites his lip. Actually maybe he wants the sock...
The sound that Katsuki lets out can easily be described as an unholy screech. "KIRISHIMA. MY GOD. Take your pile back to your room. That way you don't /see/ what I give him and therefore won't /want/ what I give him."

Kirishima nods and starts dragging his feet towards the door.
Actually dragging his feet, too. Slowly. Inching forward. Slooow.

Katsuki pinches the bridge of his nose. "What." He barks, exasperated.
Kirishima looks over at Katsuki under hooded lashes. "It's just... your room has more light coming in the windows than mine...."
Katsuki chokes. "You can't stay here!"

Kirishima's brow furrow. "Why not." He pouts.

"I'm an ALPHA. You're an OMEGA. IN HEAT."

Kirishima kicks the corner of Katsuki's dresser, grumpily. "Yeah and..?"
"My gods Eijirou. Has the heat melted your brain? I'll knot you, dumbass."

Kirishima doesn't see a problem with that. At all.

Katsuki sighs, before he pulls Eijirou in his arms and brushes their glands to scent him. "Go tuck my clothes in your nest. Then dinner."
"Fine," Kirishima grumbles. "But I'm gonna come all over them!" He shouts, aware he's being a brat but not really able to control his thoughts enough to stop it.
Katsuki seems shocked before he bursts out laughing-- and wow his Alpha is so pretty when he's happy.

"You gonna wash them before you give them back?"

Kiri almost tells Bakugou he isn't getting the clothes back but he's afraid Alpha won't let him have them if he does. "No!"
Katsuki chuckles, the timbre dark and smooth like velvet. He's crowding Kiri then, and he licks the pad of his thumb before he rubs it against the leaking scent gland on Eijirou's neck. He pops his wet thumb in his mouth after and moans at the taste. "Good, Omega." He rasps.
Kirishima shivers. It's going to be a good heat. He knows it. <3
It's not a good heat. :c

Kirishima spends the entire time, alone, exhausted, and cumming his actual brains out while he hears Bakugou move around next door.
He wonders whose fucking idea it was to put them side by side? Was it a cruel joke? Aizawa thinking he was funny? Or do the gods just hate him?
It's clearly one of those, because hearing Katsuki, and hearing the rhythmatic thuds of him doing push ups or sit ups, or whatever he was working on from 1am to 4am is too much.
His bro is hella manly, and clearly he spends a ton of time on his skill and physique but Kiri kind of wants to choke him right now.

And then after the workout is over, Kirishima swears he can hear the soft shifting of sheets, like Katsuki is too keyed up to properly sleep now.
Which makes Kirishima too keyed up to sleep.

Which makes him cranky.

Which makes his heat worse.

Which makes it BAKUGOU'S problem.
So he breaks the lock on his door. It's not like it's hard?? It's just metal and Ei's quirk is well, his quirk

The heat control had put a sensor on his door, an alarm to let everyone know a horny Omega was on the loose-- but he smashes that too

Plus. He's not horny. He's angry.
Okay-- he reasons, immeaditely hunched over the door frame as the smell of Bakugou's open door hits him straight in the crotch.

Maybe he's horny too.
But he's mad!

And Bakugou needs to hear about it!

So he stumbles to Katsuki's doorframe. The blonde isn't inside but his scent is so thick in the room and that makes Kirishima so upset because how dare his Alpha not be here--that he has to come all over the open door.
After the wave of pleasure has passed he's embarassed. He can't believe he just jacked off all over Katsuki's door! Almost like he was marking it or something!

Gods. He's a dog . A feral dog.
But who cares. Certainly not him, as he stumbles through the hallway. He doesn't know where Bakugou is, but he can smell his faint caramel scent in the building so he knows he's going the right way.
He falls to his knees once, and is left shaking, mouth drooling on the carpet as he comes /again/.

Holy fuck, heat induced orgasms are no fucking joke. His thighs rubbing together as he walks is enough to bring him off and that's insane!
He lets out a whimper as he gets in the elevator and the doors close behind him and he can no longer smell Bakugou or his nest.

Bakugou took the stairs, but Kirishima isn't trying to kill himself on his way to yell at his Alpha. The elevator makes him dizzy.
When the doors open he's in the common room. He can hear his friends, but not his Alpha.

That's okay though. Because he can smell him. Heat tingles in his fingers and he *knows* Katsuki is in the kitchen with everybody else.
And wow, that makes Kirishima madder.


When he rounds the corner, Midioryia sees him. The freckled boy is facing the hallway, can of juice lifted to his lips as he laughs at the group of friends looking at him and listening to whatever story he's telling.
Katsuki is leaned against the counter, his arms crossed over his black tanktop. The line of sweat on the back of his neck catches Kirishima's eye and he gets lost in tracking it fall beneath his collar.
"KIRISHIMA!" Midioryia shouts, the juice can flying from his hands as he covers his red face. "OH MY GOD!"
Everyone turns at Midioryia's shriek, but their instantly whipping around once they see Kirishima standing there.

Katsuki turns slower than the rest. He's just starting to look when everyone else has hid their face and started fleeing the room.
His red eyes darken, and the scent of caramel becomes twinged with charcoal and Kirishima watches as fice claws embed in the countertop.

"Eijirou." He says, and wow Katsuki's angry too. "Where are your FUCKING pants."
Oh. Oh yeah.

He was just wearing Bakugou's oversized hoodie. And that barely falls to his thighs.

So... uh... yeah.

Everyone saw his dick.
Kirishima shrugs and Katsuki's hoodie slightly falls off his shoulder. The materiel moving has Eijirou's eyes lidding, and he wobbles a little on his feet.

Oh. huh. Maybe coming downstairs wasn't the smartest option. How was he gonna make it back to his nest?
Maybe Katsuki will carry him?
"I left them uPSTA--"

Kirishima's words cut off as Katsuki launches himself up onto the island. He barely has anytime to wonder what he's doing up there, before Katsuki leaps off and Kirishima swears he can hear his claws scraping the countertop.
Kirishima watches in slow motion as Katsuki comes soaring at him. He should probably move, he's gonna be crushed by big angry Alpha, but he thinks that might be okay.
Somehow when Katsuki crashes into him, he drags him down and flips so that Kirishima is on top.

He only gets a second of looking down at the blonde, his pretty Alpha, before they roll again and Katsuki is on top and shoving Eiji's wrists into the floor above his head HARD.
Explosions crackle across his wrists but he must harden on instinct because his flesh isn't burning and he's not in pain.

He's //very much// not in pain as Katsuki noses his head to the side and sucks hard on his swollen scent gland, biting at it with his teeth.
Wetness spills onto Katsuki's tongue and the Alpha purrs when he tastes the flood of it. It hurts, it does, but it also feels really good because his glands are swollen with fluid, fluid he made for his Alpha, and finally he's getting some relief.
Katsuki sucks until that side is dry, and Kirishima has definitely passed out, because when he blinks open hazy eyes and sees the blurry ceiling he realizes Katsuki is diving down and working on draining the other side.
Embarassingly, Kiri is ten million percent sure he's come against Katsuki's black sweatpants. Maybe twice.

But that's not his fault!

It's his stupid Alpha's for attacking his neck! He deserves it!

It makes Kirishima feel good. He relaxes against the floor, bones feeling like jelly

Katsuki's pants, specifically his crotch, where he's rubbing against Kiri as he shifts for more scent gland, is wet and smells like him and that's right. That's the way it's supposed to
Not thinking of anything besides smearing his scent on more of his friend's body, Kirishima presses his open palm into Katsuki's pants and *rubs*.
The effect is immediate.

Katsuki rips his mouth from Kirishima's neck. He's looking down at Kirishima with his Alpha canines pushed into his bottom lip.

He looks like he's seeing Eijirou for the first time, his eyes sweeping over Ei's features before he frowns.
His purring hasn't lessened a bit, but he seems mad now.

"Your hand's pressing into my cock." He accuses.

"Mhm." It is. But he's doing it for the scent aspect of it!

.... or.... that's what he tells himself before he grazes the knot in Katsuki's sweats.
He's helpless against the keen his Omega lets out, the sound parting his lips. His finger clench down on their own accord and form a hard circle around Katsuki's knot. His grip squeezes, roughly massaging the thickness, and Katsuki's teeth snap together hard beside his ear.
"Stop it," he hisses, swatting at Kirishima's hand. "Before you get fucked."

Kirishima doesn't stop it.

"I'm mad at you." He says instead, squeezing harder.

Katsuki's knee slams against the floor and he folds over Kiri's body. "Yeah?" He pants out. "The fuck for?"
Yeah, what was he mad for?

He was so angry. Didn't Katsuki do something?

Chirping softly, Kirishima moves his hands up and down slightly, feeling out the long hard expanse of the blonde's cock as he thinks.

He can't remember.

All he knows is Katsuki's charocal smell, and his hot skin, and the wet sheen of drool on his lower lip as he looks down at Eijirou like he's about to eat him.
" 'm gonna knot," Katsuki warns him, growls punching from his chest. His hand shoots down to Eijirou's wrist and he grips hard enough to make his wrist pop, before he starts moving Eijirou's hand *forreal*, forcing the Omega to jack him off, as he ruts forward with a groan.
Yeah... yeah he wants that.

He wants his Alpha to come on him. Soak him in his scorching semen. He wants to smell like Katsuki. He wants to be marked. He wants the cum to smear across his scent glands and bathe his cock yeah yeah yeah yeah--
Kirishima arches under Katsuki as he comes, handsfree and wetly between them. His cock jerks irratically, shooting cum all over Katsuki. His eyes roll back and his fingers fall limp and Katsuki growls because he doesn't have Eijirou's perfect hand wrapped around him anymore.
Kirishima doesn't even have time for a breath before Katsuki is flipping him over. His mouth fills with carpet as he's forced down. It's gross, people's feet have been here, but he can't stop drooling as Katsuki hooks his sweats below his balls and yanks Kiri's relaxed body up.
Into presentating position.

He's gonna get knotted! Yes!

He whimpers, shifting back weakly to tease Katsuki into shoving inside. Why is his Alpha hesitating? Does he not appreciate how wet he is for him?
Kirishima growls, his Omega screaming his offense, and releases his scent into the room--thick. Thick enough to choke.

He knows better in the back of his head. He knows it's against the rules to use phermones. Especially to force someone into something. That's not hero behavior.
He'll be sorry for it later.

For now, he just wants to be KNOTTED.

But Katsuki still isn't moving closer. Which is bullshit! Kirishima is leaking slick down his legs and he's clearly asking for it!
A drop of something hits the small of his back where the hoodie has been shoved up and he groans. Shooting a quick glance back Kirishima sees Katsuki is sweating profusely, claws dug into one leg, blood from his bitten bottom lip pouring down his chin as he jacks off.
His hand is a blur on his giant cock, and Kirishima can see the purple twinge of the head everytime his hand hits his knot. His eyes are trained on Kirishima's ass, and that's flattering but that's not what he wants!

How is Katsuki even holding back right now?!
Maybe.. maybe he doesn't smell as good as he thinks?

Or maybe Katsuki's already mated?

Were him and Denki in some kind of secret relationship and that's why Katsuki insisted on giving the other Omega some clothes?
Kirishima feels his teeth sharpen in his mouth.

Oh no. No. That's not okay.
Kirishima, for reference
Before Kirishima can snap his teeth, dig his canines into Katsuki's skin, hot cum is splashing against him.

He immediately goes weak kneed, collasping against the carpet, cheek smushed against the floor. His hips chase the sensation of each lash of cum.
Katsuki's so smart, such a good Alpha. He knows exactly what he's doing, his tip aimed directly against Kirishima's hole. He's claiming him, marking him with cum.

It's so good!
Cum drips to the carpet, sliding between Kirishima's legs. His body convulses, tries it's hardest to suck the cum /in/ himself.

He barely manages a look over his shoulder. His Alpha's eyes are half mast, blood drips from his lip, and his fist is squeezing his knot //hard//.

"Inside." Kirishima moans, wiggling his hips to intice his mate. He pushes out more of his scent, until sweat beads on them both with the force of it.
"K-kiri..." Katsuki's throat clicks dryly. He's struggling with restraint, but that's not what Eijirou wants. He wants to be bred dammit.

Clearly unable to stop himself, eyes locked on his hole, Katsuki presses the tip of his index finger....
"Oh FUCK, a-alpha..." Kirishima whines, his balls drawing up as Katsuki delves a curious finger inside. It presses against his walls with no technique, but it doesn't matter because just having something of his mate's inside him feels EXCEPTIONAL.
"Wet," Katsuki murmurs, brows drawn together.

Wet is an understatement. Kirishima feels like he's drowning in slick and cum.

"Empty," Kirishima counters, trying to push back towards his Alpha's hand.
"Want... knot?" Katsuki asks softly and Kirishima shakes.

His Alpha's slipping into rut!

Kirishima frantically shakes his head. Yes. Fuck YES. YES YES YES-
Katsuki groans. His knot is actually about to pop fully and if it does, the chances of it getting inside Kirishima are significantly less. It's not impossible to get a fully thickened knot in, but it would take time and patience, and there's not an ounce of that between them.
Kirishima whimpers. If his Alpha knots now, he won't get what he wants!

They need to stop fucking around!

"Now!" He growls, his hands shooting back to reach for Katsuki's twitching cock. "In now!"
Katsuki shifts forward, slapping his thick, /hot/ cock into Eijirou's curved palm. He ruts forward, hissing, but he doesn't let Ei pull him any closer.
Infact, with a loud growl, Katsuki pulls away completely.
No fair, no fair, no FAI---
"MotherfucKER!" Kirishima screams.

Oh, holy fuck. He's gonna die!

Katsuki's going to send him to the grave with his mouth.
Like a rapid wolf, Katsuki holds Kirishima's chest down against the carpet. His hips are pulled higher and his spine protests but he doesn't care because Katsuki's tongue is //inside// him and he's ravenous.
"Tastes..." he growls against his flesh, spit and drool adding to the mess he's making, "so fucking good. Tastes like me. Mine. All mine. Mine!" He snarls, his tongue catching every drop.
Kirishima cums so hard he almost blacks out. He sounds like a puppy, mewling and sobbing, /begging for more/ as inky black spots cloud his vision.
"My cum..." Katsuki snarls. "Mine. Filling my mate."

Kirishima shivers, oh fuck Katsuki's tongue is curling inside him--

"Fucking delicious," he groans, pulling back to wipe his hand on his mouth before licking that too. "Mine."
And then hes biting up Kirishima's spine, teeth dragging across his shoulder and sides of his neck, scent marking him with his spit before he's pressing his chest down over Eijirou's back and snapping his hips forward until his cock catches and carves it's way in with one thrust.
Kirishima's mouth drops open on a scream. His back arches and cum smacks him in the chin and oh ohhhhhhhhhhh-
Breath punches out of his lungs when Katsuki thrusts in. The stretch burns, almost makes his thighs snap shut, but he //likes// it so he begs for more by weakly thrusting back.
Each time Katsuki's cock drags out, he pulls at Kirishima's hips, until he's actually pulling him backwards. He shifts his knees, pulls Kirishima back again.

If Kirishima could *think*, if he wasn't choking on his drool, he would maybe ask the Alpha what he's doing.
As it is, he lets the Alpha manhandle him into a better position, because his Alpha's smart, he's the best and he wants to make Katsuki happy.

Plus it all becomes clear when Katsuki's fingers curl around his neck.
"Mine." He huffs, his hips pistoning faster. "CLAIM."

This time when Eijirou's face presses into the floor it's because Katsuki put it there. His eyes are dark as he smears the Omega's cheek in the puddle of cum he made earlier. His breath explodes in a pant. "Be... good."
Sure that it's what Katsuki wants, Kirishima's tongue swipes on the carpet until he catches cum. When he does, the dark flavour explodes on his tastebuds and he gives a high pitched cry. It's good! His Alpha is so good!

"Yes...." Katsuki moans, his knot pressing hard. "Eat."
Just when Eijirou's SURE, he's about to be knotted--his body is even tensed for it, ready to milk his Alpha's knot as soon as it happens-- Katsuki's hands are ripped from his body and his cock slides out too far, and Kirishima screams.

He's empty, whys he empty!
Recovery Girl is standing behind him, next to two male nurses.

A catchpole is wrapped around Katsuki's neck. It's the weapon animal control officials and cops use to ensnare aggressive dogs and uncontrolled Alphas.
The noose is tight around his neck, and he's clawing at it with burning hands. His erection is dusky and kicking between his knees, angry that it's been ripped out of the warmth of his omega.
With fast efficiency, the nurse on the right loops ziptie cuffs around Katsuki's hand, and draws his other behind his back with a click.

His Alpha is /feral/, teeth long and dripping as he yells and fights to break free.
Kirishima's hands shake when he reaches back and slides two fingers deep into himself. He doesn't want to be empty, it hurts.

He wants his Alpha. Needs to tempt him into breaking free, into killing them all and filling him with pups..
Katsuki goes still when he sees what Kirishima's doing. His eyes slit, like a lizards, and the scent he puts out is dark and oppressive. It makes Kirishima's movements stutter, but he can't stop, even when Katsuki side eyes the nurses and scents //aggression//.
Does his Alpha think he's trying to tempt them?

No. No, he wants his Alpha!

His fingers stall. He wants... his lip wobbles. ...Katsuki...
A wave of pheromones explodes from Kirishima, knocking everyone backwards with a stumble. Even Katsuki falls to his ass

His skin crawls with it, his Omega shrieks, and it's not pleasure, it's sadness, he's worthless, he's empty. His Alpha isn't knotting him, he doesn't want him.
He's a bad omega, unwanted, empty.

He falls forward, barely manages to curl in on himself.

Alpha doesn't want him. Not as a mate, not as his pack. He's been rejected.

His scent glands throb painfully.
Katsuki jerks against the chokehold like a wild dog trying to break a leash. He's desperate to get to his Omega. The nurse behind him gets thrown forward and tries to grapple him back.

"Mine! Want! Want!" Katsuki shouts, trying to cover Kiri in warm scents. His scent.
Behind him, Recovery Girl sighs. She pushes up her giant glasses with a white gloved hand. "Let him go, Taku. Before they end up making themselves heat sick. It's much easier to treat a satsified Omega with a birth control pill then it is to treat a distressed one."
She sighs again, leaning on her cane as she turns back toward the common room exit. "This is going to be fun to explain to Aizawa."
The moment the noose is released from Katsuki's neck, he's bounding toward Kirishima on all fours. His face presses against his throat and he rubs his scent in hard.

With a kitten lick to his cheek, he pulls Kirishima in until he's curled around him on his side.
With a death grip on Ei's thigh, he ruts against him until he can feel the still damp heat of Eijirou's hole. He sighs out softly, as he connects them again.

The effect is immediate.

Kirishima purrs.
Katsuki keeps them on their sides, but he rolls them forward so that he has better leverage to thrust

Ei's eyes roll back in his head as he lets his Alpha have total control. He's exhausted, he feels so much better

"Katsuki," he pants, rubbing their cheeks together. "Love you."
Katsuki lets a pleased growl fall from his lips, but he's too focused on his knot pressing into Eijirou to respond. He cries out when it finally sinks in, when Eijirou clamps tight around it, when he melts into Katsuki's chest as they both cum and Katsuki fills his Omega up.
Eijirou is satsified and oversensitive. He doesn't really get a chance to make the decision to sleep or not, but with Katsuki happily chuffing against his hair and pressing kisses to his temple, it's too easy to do.
"Hey, dummy."

There's a flick to Eijirou's forehead and he swats at it, half asleep.

"Ei. I need you to wake up and eat something."

Eijirou groans, and tries to roll over but something hot bands around his chest and keeps him close.

"Omega. Time to eat."

There's a rumble and a shift of blankets.

Something wet presses against Kirishima's cheek. It smells good, smells dark and like spices, and his eyes fly open when it draws a line of liquid on his skin.
Katsuki's standing over him, expression smug, as he rubs his cockhead against Kirishima's face.


Obediently, Kirishima's mouth falls open, offering somewhere warm for his mate. He has hazy memories of how good Katsuki's cock tastes and he wants to reacquaint himself with it.
As soon as his lips part, Katsuki is pulling his hips back and shoving a mango slice into Eijirou's waiting mouth.

His immediate response is to spit the fruit out but the coolness has him humming and his jaw working to chew.

Good... tasty.
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