1) While I wasn't Army SF, I have become friends with many who were / are.

I borrowed this text and graph from a fellow that went thru the same schools I did and learnt how to identify these insurgents.

Study and Learn ---- You have been Warned
2) Those of us that were in Special Forces prior to 9-11 specialized in identifying and combating unconventional warfare actions that occurred worldwide during the 60s-70s-80s. Unconventional warfare evolves over time; it doesn't just 'spring up'.
3) This graph chart is actually out of a training manual and taught to people who have been fighting insurgencies and unconventional warfare for more that 50 years..
4) Scare people with a virus. Place them in quarantine. Count the number of dead every second of every day in every news headline.

Close all businesses. 40,000,000 out of jobs. Peak unemployment. Remove entertainment: parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports.
5) No dating. No touching. Mask people. Dehumanize them. Close temples and churches. Create a vacuum. Let depression and anxiety and desperation set in.
6) Then, ignite hatred and civil war. Civil unrest. Empty the prisons because of the virus and fill the streets with criminals. Send in Antifa to vandalize property as if they are freedom fighters. Undermine the law. Loot.
7) Attack law enforcement, but tell government to order a stand-down.

We are all being bated by adversarial governments who want to destroy America - China, Iran, Russia. Have the Far Left abuse the racial wars to fuel the fires.
8) And, in an election year, have Democrats blame all of it on the President.

This is what modern warfare looks like. And the American Public is paying attention, well.. except weak minded people.....
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ~ Sun Tzu
“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.” ~ Niccolo Machiavelli

“All warfare is based on deception.” ~ Sun Tzu
From the above Q drop #4363

Take the time and READ THIS !!!

This ⬇️⬇️⬇️ is being played out as we "speak".

How many of the below list from Saul's "Rules for Radicals" can you "tick off" as being played out now ... or have been played out ... #1 (Obamacare)
Both Hillary and Hussein admired and wrote about Saul Alinsky.

"Saul Alinsky was an American community activist and political theorist. His work through the Chicago-based Industrial Areas Foundation"

Interesting how all roads lead back to Chicago ...

Know your enemy ...

"I'd Organize Hell" - Saul Alinsky TV interview 1966
... and know yourself ...

Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: Mobilizing the Poor
Another good resource is:



It can be found here ...
Adding this dR0p, as it follows the the SORO Pyramid ...
Know your ENEMY, Pt. II ...
dR0p 4700 is a re-dR0p of 4363


Updated SORO Pyramid.

Although, with the wildfires deliberately being set by Antifa Terrorists, the "Above Ground: Minor Guerrilla Action" comes into play.

But like the cowards they are, they pop up above ground, then head back underground. Not unlike an enemy we once faced.
Insurgency can be defined as ‘the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify, or challenge political control of a region'.
Domestic terrorism.
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