Watch this super interesting conversation with the former police chief of Camden, NJ.

In Camden, city leaders dissolved the entire police department in 2012 and fully rebuilt it to focus on community policing.

After this reform:
- murders ⬇️ 70%
- violent crime ⬇️ 46%
Every police officer war fired and had re-apply for a job.

The department built a new culture rather than changing existing culture.

They focused on “the empowerment of the community before enforcement of the law.”

Community reclaimed the streets vs. police militarizing them
Camden adopted an 18-page use-of-force policy. The rules emphasize that de-escalation has to come first....An officer who sees a colleague violating the edict must intervene.

Reports of excessive force complaints in Camden ⬇️ 95% since 2014.
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