I have been poring over the possibilities for effective pedagogical models and course design approaches for the fall. There is only one model I've found that is both engaging for students and efficient for faculty: resilient pedagogy. (A thread) 1/
Essentially, resilient pedagogy is a combination of course design principles and teaching strategies that are as resistant to disruption and to change in the learning environment as possible. 3/
As opposed to other contingency plan models, which require faculty to do lots and lots of extra work (what does X activity or assignment look like in f2f? in online synch? in online asynch?), the resilient model advocates for designing 1 time & using regardless of modality. 4/
Here's an example: a screenshot of a photosynthesis lecture on Edpuzzle w/analytical questions built in. Designing resiliently means creating an activity like this that every student would complete regardless of f2f, hybrid, or online modality. 5/
Class time (for f2f or hybrid), meeting time (for online synch), or discussion (for online asynch) then builds on this work, follows up on questions, extends analysis, etc., and this work can follow similar threads regardless of where students and faculty are located. 6/
If I'm teaching this course f2f or hybrid on a Monday, and I find I need to quarantine on a Sunday night, I have to make very little change to the plan. I just email students to let them know what the change in modality is. The work remains the same. 7/
It requires some reconceptualization of f2f and hybrid teaching, but we can rely on the great work published on flipped learning to help make this transition a bit easier. The goal is to make teaching as disruption-proof as possible. 8/
What do you all think of this model? I'm curious if any of you are adopting it for workshops or other programming at your university. 9/end
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