Thread of my #BlackintheIvory experiences in no particular order
The next 4 times a white colleague has decide they will greet me: “What’s up Brother Man!”
The next 4 times a white colleague has decide they will greet me: “What’s up Brother Man!”
2/In grad school senior faculty asked me to read autobio of Clarence Thomas w/them b/c they “wanted the Black POV”. I read the book & my only comp for the extra work was a 30min convo & brown bag lunch in their office.
3/I’m the first African American to:
-Graduate with a PhD in Ecology from my dept (2011)
-To be hired on the TT in my dept (2014)
-Receive a grant to study California condors as PI
-Graduate with a PhD in Ecology from my dept (2011)
-To be hired on the TT in my dept (2014)
-Receive a grant to study California condors as PI
4/Walking back from lunch, white colleagues & one wants to make the explicit point that there’s a qualitative difference b/w “Nigger” & “Nigga”. Yes, they used those words out loud & seemed to think it was necessary to explain this in my presence.
5/Colleague sees me holding @DrIbram’s Stamped From the Beginning and says, “Oh, I could never read that. I’d get too annoyed, ya know.”
6/In a meeting abt faculty anxieties for tenure, senior colleague in response to anxieties says:
“Implicit bias does exist, but at the end of the day you’re judged by your work.”
“Implicit bias does exist, but at the end of the day you’re judged by your work.”
7/In the field, colleagues remark that yestday dusk, when I opened the brown gate my “skin was such an incredible match” that I “almost blended into the background”.
8/Come to the office wearing a dashiki. Colleague sees me, stops in the hallway, smiles and says:
“Oh, we’re dressing ethnic today, are we?!”
“Oh, we’re dressing ethnic today, are we?!”
9/1 yr into uni fellowship I show up for my app Anthro w/chair at the agreed time to discuss switching to Anthro from EEOB. Chair opens
, pauses confused, asks:
“Can I help you?”
Don’t remember the rest of the meeting except how red he was the whole time.

“Can I help you?”
Don’t remember the rest of the meeting except how red he was the whole time.
10/Me, in a faculty meeting: “How many AfAm students have we had in the last 10yrs?”

Me: “How many in the last 5yrs?”
Colleagues: “Well, there was one, what was their name?” Then

Checked on my own time. There have been zero.

Me: “How many in the last 5yrs?”
Colleagues: “Well, there was one, what was their name?” Then

Checked on my own time. There have been zero.
Not narry a soul:
Senior WC: “Here’s an article on skin color I thought might be of interest to everyone”
Not narry a soul:
Senior WC: “Here’s an article on skin color I thought might be of interest to everyone”
12/WC sees me reading @rdunbaro’s An Indigenous Ppl’s History of
“I read that recently! It was good, but I thought it was a bit biased. In the other direction of course, but still.”

“I read that recently! It was good, but I thought it was a bit biased. In the other direction of course, but still.”
Not one sentient individual:
WC: “Here’s a link to something to made me feel good.”
Open link to story on positive images of Black fatherhood & confronting stereotypes.
Not one sentient individual:
WC: “Here’s a link to something to made me feel good.”
Open link to story on positive images of Black fatherhood & confronting stereotypes.
14/Q&A period w/university DEI officer.
Not a single carbon-based life form:
WC: “This may be a bit of a silly question, but is it okay to reach out directly to students of color?”
Not a single carbon-based life form:
WC: “This may be a bit of a silly question, but is it okay to reach out directly to students of color?”
15/During the 1st ever discussion of student race/gender demographics:
WC: “Well, there’s certainly room for improvement, but you know, we’re a lot better off than my last institution.”
Student demographics:
-89% white
-75% male
WC: “Well, there’s certainly room for improvement, but you know, we’re a lot better off than my last institution.”
Student demographics:
-89% white
-75% male
16/My big sis died while I was in grad school. Opened up a bit to a prof who’s class I was taking & mentioned my sadness for her 2 sons.
WProf: “I’m so sorry. So does this mean you’ll have to take care of your nephews now?”
Sis been married for 10+yrs.
WProf: “I’m so sorry. So does this mean you’ll have to take care of your nephews now?”
Sis been married for 10+yrs.
17/2 wks into COIVD shutdown of uni
Not 1 descendant of Australopithecus:
Colleague email: link to meme abt productivity
Link: “Newton did some of his best work during the bubonic plague”
Not 1 descendant of Australopithecus:
Colleague email: link to meme abt productivity
Link: “Newton did some of his best work during the bubonic plague”
18/Visits a wildlife & fisheries dept.
Observes grauadting class photos in hallway from 1960s.
Counts # of Black faces.
6 in 50+yrs
Observes grauadting class photos in hallway from 1960s.
Counts # of Black faces.
6 in 50+yrs
19/On an undergrad trip to oceanography research center.
3 Black folks incld our counselor.
Walking back to our cabin.
Maintenance guy pulls up:
“Can I help you fellas?”
Counselor explains our presence on campus.
MG drives off w/o apology.
3 Black folks incld our counselor.
Walking back to our cabin.
Maintenance guy pulls up:
“Can I help you fellas?”
Counselor explains our presence on campus.
MG drives off w/o apology.
20/Discussion period of student demographic presentation.
Colleague: “So how do you recruit students of color?”
Colleague: “So how do you recruit students of color?”
Not done, just taking a break for a bit. thanks for reading. I’ve been holding most of this in for years.
Before I get going again, what I want white folks to take away is not anger/harsh judgement of individuals, but action against systems that birth these experiences. & for most white folks reading this, that action starts w/confronting your own whiteness. No stone throwing pls.
21/Calls out WC in working group for pattern of racist behavior.
WC promptly quits group over email.
2wks later receive invitation to a mediation meeting w/chair b/c WC & my relationship had “reached an impasse”.
WC promptly quits group over email.
2wks later receive invitation to a mediation meeting w/chair b/c WC & my relationship had “reached an impasse”.
Not 1 bipedal organism:
WC approaches with phone out:
“Hear is a pic of [person in their family]. You might notice that he’s ‘differently complected’.”
Family member is Black.
Not 1 bipedal organism:
WC approaches with phone out:
“Hear is a pic of [person in their family]. You might notice that he’s ‘differently complected’.”
Family member is Black.
23/Week after tree of life murders & latest
murder in Louisville.
Whyte STEM Colleague: in attempted solidarity email (paraphrased):
“The best & maybe only thing we can do is continue our academic work.”

Whyte STEM Colleague: in attempted solidarity email (paraphrased):
“The best & maybe only thing we can do is continue our academic work.”
24/WC in working group when I point out that recruiting FOC isn’t just adding Brown ppl & stirring:
“Could you prepare a list of recommendations or best practices that we could use to guide this process?”
Me: ...
Other WC: “That’s not really Jonathan’s job.”
“Could you prepare a list of recommendations or best practices that we could use to guide this process?”
Me: ...
Other WC: “That’s not really Jonathan’s job.”
25/Recommends confederate flag pic be removed from course add flyer b/c there’s no context for the use of such a problematic image in the course title or description.
Disclaimer: these are stories spanning 15 yrs in academia & are not unique to any institution I’ve been/am currently assoc w/. This shit is systemic & not contained w/in 1 indv/institution/dept. It’s literally everywhere. Don’t try to scapegoat or rationalize this.
26/Asked multiple times throughout my PhD by grad school colleagues/faculty:
“So where in Africa is your reaserch based again?”
Diss was on human/wildlife interactions in Rajasthan, India
“So where in Africa is your reaserch based again?”
Diss was on human/wildlife interactions in Rajasthan, India
27/WC reacting to junior faculty concerns abt tenure process:
“I don’t know of any horrors stories in the tenure process.”
“I don’t know of any horrors stories in the tenure process.”
28/Uni announces speaker series w/all white & 5/6 male participants. Speaker series described as “promoting diversity”.
Writes letter. Gets 100+ co-signers. Program changed to include Black folks.
Writes letter. Gets 100+ co-signers. Program changed to include Black folks.
29/Wed. Nov 9, 2016. Listening to 2 WC discussing results. Discussion concludes thus:
“This is upsetting, but you know what? We’ll be okay.”
“Yeah, we’ll be fiiiiine.”
“This is upsetting, but you know what? We’ll be okay.”
“Yeah, we’ll be fiiiiine.”
30/Currently only tenure-track African American faculty in uni college of 290+ faculty. There’s only been 3 AfAm TT faculty in the college in 8yrs.
None of my WC knew this until I told them.
None of my WC knew this until I told them.
31/Me:”So, u agreed to be faculty advisor for a student club for the guy who said [list of 45isms]?”
WC: “To be fair, he had only made the comment about Mexicans when they asked me.”
WC: “To be fair, he had only made the comment about Mexicans when they asked me.”
32/Having convo w/colleague during coffee break at research meeting. WC interrupts our convo:
“Sorry, I don’t think I know you. Who are u? Who are u w/? What are u working on?”
2nd time this WC has met me.
“Sorry, I don’t think I know you. Who are u? Who are u w/? What are u working on?”
2nd time this WC has met me.
33/Several weeks after 2016 election.
WC: “I think ppl are mostly overreacting to this whole thing.”
WC: “I think ppl are mostly overreacting to this whole thing.”
34a/ Aftermath of collective call out in working group.
I ask each WC to share when they 1st realized they were white.
Every single WC describes a moment when they realized Blackness was bad.
I ask each WC to share when they 1st realized they were white.
Every single WC describes a moment when they realized Blackness was bad.
34b/ And the account in 34a is more illustrative of how whiteness functions more than an outrageous moment of a direct racism.
How we doing? Y’all still good?