#TommyRobinson's funding streams? 1/x

ASK YOURSELVES WHY a far right US neoconservative war monger (someone who sits on the Jerusalem Summit and swaps funding with John Bolton's Gatestone) would want to donate so much to a working class guy in the UK? https://www.meforum.org/7290/tommy-robinson-free-mef-heavily-involved
#TommyRobinson's funding 2/x

As they say follow the money - who funds who?

$2.4 Million donated by Dan Pipes - Middle East Forum to John Bolton's Gatestone Institute.
4/x Research from the Center for American Progress indicates that DCF funded various organizations and individuals contributing to anti-Islamic hysteria in the United States. Between 2007 and 2009 the Donors Capital Fund contributed $21,318,600 to groups promoting Islamophobia!

As a brief aside Donor Capital Fund also helped build a vast network of think tanks and activist groups working to a single purpose: to redefine climate change from scientific fact to a highly polarising 'wedge issue' for hardcore conservatives.


Dots join when you see Dan Pipes other connections

Pipes sits on groups such as The Jerusalem Summit - which opposes a Palestinian state, and proposes resettlement of Palestinians outside Israeli-administered territory.

7/x #TommyRobinson

Now for the twist in the tale! How does the funding of Islamophobia on the right link to accusations of antisemitism on the left?

Demonisation of Muslims promotes neocon motives for pushing a war agenda in the ME.

Antisemitism delegitimises left voices.
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