De-arrest video thread. Countering police violence, escape, self-defense.

Oakland, 2014: Ferguson Solidarity demonstration. Citizens deploy less-lethal chemical irritant to control rioting agents of the state.
De-arrest video thread. Countering police violence, escape, self-defense.

cw: flashing lights.

Madrid, 2012. Riot police gear is heavy and limits cops’ mobility. They turn into helpless turtles when they are knocked down.
De-arrest video thread. Countering police violence, escape, self-defense.

Providence RI, 2014: Ferguson solidarity demo.

Don’t assume that cops are smart. Also, keep a handcuff key at home.
De-arrest video thread. Countering police violence, escape, self-defense.

Seattle, 2017: Silly String sticks to face shields, blocking officers’ vision. It also makes police look silly, which they hate because they’re trying to look scary.
De-arrest thread. Countering police violence; escape; self-defense.

Hong Kong, 2019: Officer tries to arrest someone, crowd spontaneously forms to de-arrest, then melts away quickly. This is an example of the protestors’ tactic of “Be Water”.
De-arrest thread. Countering police violence; escape; self-defense.

cw: violence
NYC, 2020: Officer tries to arrest someone, gets knocked to the ground and roughed up for his troubles as bystanders de-arrest his detainee.

Bonus GrubHub delivery guy.
De-arrest thread. Countering police violence; escape; self-defense.

Judo’s ashi-waza (foot throw) techniques can be used to escape arrest, but don’t go to the ground WITH your opponent.

Nice little tani otoshi here, but I don’t recommend squaring off against cops like this.
De-arrest thread. Countering police violence: escape; self-defense.

Handcuff key, 3D-printable. Anyone can make one at home. 
Police mark protestors with dye spray for later identification. Tactic can be reversed.

Manic Panic is a vegan hair dye that stains clothes, hair, and skin.

Protestors have mixed dye with soda in a 24oz plastic bottle. A pack of Mentos is easily obtained. The rest is science.
Much longer series, to music:
PORTLAND: De-arrest from Federal stormtrooper. All that gear and armor turns them into helpless turtles. 📸 @TheRealCoryElia
How to make a water balloon launcher that can launch balloons over 150 ft. (45 meters), with simple PVC pipe you can get at any hardware store.

You can put silicon lubricant inside the balloons along with the water. Very messy, difficult to clean.
You can follow @chadloder.
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