the final girl trope explained: a thread
btw this will be ongoing until i finish compiling research
let’s start with the basics. a final girl refers to the last girl(s) or woman alive to confront the killer. she’s normally portrayed to be pure and doesn’t partake in activities that get her friends killed ( sex, drinking, partying etc. )
we watch her find the mutilated bodies of her friends, lovers and or parents. we watch her as she’s chased through the woods into the dimly lit cabin. we watch her scream, stagger, fall, rise, and scream again.
this character is a woman who must go through hell and back, screaming, running, and stabbing her way to survival. she must slowly transform into a monster herself to defeat the ominous murderer, entity, abusive ex partner, cult, or someone simply seeking revenge.
we root for them, we love them.
the final girl trope is essential to the slasher genre.
let’s take a quick break from the thread rq. the fight is not over!! please continue to support the movement and the parties involved by donating, signing petitions and raising awareness. 
okay back to the thread
the “final girl” dates back to the late 70s. 1974’s “the texas chainsaw massacre” and 1976’s “black christmas” both featured strong female heroines that survived through the night as their friends were peiced off one by one.
the most iconic incarnation of the final girl has to be that of jamie lee curtis’ laurie strode in john carpenter’s cult classic halloween. she is the nerd of the friend group who prioritizes studying and chooses babysitting over hanging out with her friends on halloween night.
the term “final girl” wasn’t officially coined until 1992 by author carol j. clover in her novel “men, women and chainsaws: gender in the modern horror film”
the final girl trope allows for women to take center stage and kick ass, something that a lot of other genres are lacking. 👀
wes craven’s scream changed the genre its sly subversion and deconstruction of tropes, which naturally made for a final girl that broke the mold. sure, she is a little nerdy, doesn’t really party, and loves to wear black, but she also has sex with her boyfriend +
in most horror films, sex is a simple right off but in scream, the act isn’t frowned upon. sidney is able to have sex, be resourceful and survive throughout a whole franchise.
let me take break chile i’m hungry. go grab some snack and we’ll regroup in 15 minutes
i’m back but let’s not forget this queen
the final girl is still a prevalent figure in horror film. however, she has become much more complex and nuanced, no longer just a two-dimensional foil to the villain.
screenplay writers have looked past the purity aspect and have began to make them actual humans instead of them just being there for the male gaze. most create a commentary on traditional gender representation in the genre. prime example?? miss tree from happy death day
tree is your average self absorbed bitchy party girl. throughout the movie she begins to realize her flaws and becomes more kind and accepting. she becomes brave as the loop continues on and show reselience while trying to find out who the killer is
girls like tree are normally killed ten minutes into the horror films but this take on the trope has received praise from many
tree’s character has once again proved that the final girl is still prevalent in modern media and she’s way more complex. she is no longer restricted to minimal development and is no longer seen as just the girl who defeats the killer.
quick detour but can we talk about how there are little to no women of color final girls?? i’m tired of seeing white girls flop around like idiots. give me the melanin
cleansing the tl with the best final girls.t
final boys anyone?
although horror is a pretty female driven genre. final boys have made appearances on very few occasions
the most notable final boy is noes’ jesse walsh who’s performance was criticized greatly by viewers due to its subtle homoerotic undertones. the controversial sequel to a nightmare on elm street, ended mark patton’s acting career, just as it was about to begin.
i don’t know much about homeboy but here’s a thread that explains the topic fully 
anyways let’s talk about our king tommy jarvis. i’m not going to talk about corey or the ugly one so let’s thirst over thom matthews
tommy- i would literally let him choke me the fuck out.

matthews' version of tommy in the sixth film was back to being sane after pinehurst and had the distinct honor of surviving his final film in the franchise. he’s a himbo but i enjoyed his character and his development.
okay anyways let’s get back to our final girls
final girls have changed so much over the years. they started out as these virginal pure figures that had little to no depth unless they returned for the sequel. as time has gone on “final girls” have began to distance themselves from the trope.
best final girl?
the final girl trope has extended way past slasher films.
the witch follows the the story of thomasin. thomasin shares an important quality with the typical final girl: she is virginal, as expected by her family and faith, marked by her stark white clothing.
as the monsters change throughout the decades, the final girl has remained close to horror/thriller films of all types.
most horror villains are straight white men. that should say something about the society we live in.
never forget our queen
queen emma
miss donna period
brooke best final girl
kay back to the og shit i wanna wrap this up since im kinda dragging it
the final hirl has been the perfect figure to articulate the gender politics of the horror genre as she reflects societal ideas of what a female character should be and tries to break through them.
knife in hand, they have slashed through countless villains and monsters to prove that the final girl almost always comes out on top.
now if you have a problem with anything in this thread argue with someone who cares bc i stopped caring 29 minutes ago
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