I wanna share something my therapist said about ✨anger✨ that blew my mind:

"Your anger is the part of you that knows your mistreatment and abuse are unacceptable. Your anger knows you deserve to be treated well, and with kindness. Your anger is a part of you that LOVES you."
I used to think anger was a bad, dangerous feeling to be quieted and pushed away.

Now, I welcome my anger. It's my brain's way of shouting "This isn't okay!", be it for myself, or the people around me.

It's your "This person deserves better!!!!!" alarm.
Anger is your loud, unapologetic friend who doesn't want you to put up with any bullshit.

We're all feeling a lot of anger; I hope this framing can help you befriend it, embrace it, and let it take care of you. It can be healthy and immensely useful. Don't push it away.
Goes without saying, but: this is just my own journey with anger based on my past experiences (and trauma ha ha ha) and you may find this framing helpful, or you may totally disagree and not relate at all! Both are valid of course, we all have different paths. 💜
Feeling solidarity & also VERY sad that so many people can relate to this. To those this resonated with, I sincerely hope you can carry this with you on your path to treating yourself better. You deserve it.

Thanks everyone who responded with gratitude and sharing their stories.
It's important to remember that anger is a healthy response to injustice and mistreatment. So if you're feeling angry at the world right now, please support #BlackLivesMatter !! https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ 
I didn't talk about the expression of anger in my original tweet because I'm just sharing my own experience and that part isnt scary for me.

But for me my healthy directing of anger was:
- Setting boundaries
- Speaking up when I'm treated badly
- Advocating for others

Not harm!
I'm absolutely not advocating that anger should be used to hurt, abuse, incite violence, or otherwise be taken out on others!

To the folks who are expressing hurt at this idea being applied to, say, abusive parents/partners: I see you. Your abuse is/was not justified or okay.
If anything those on the receiving end of weaponized anger are less likely to use it as a healthy tool for themselves later in life.
Anger doubly becomes something dangerous to avoid and repress.

But I'm not a psychologist and am only speaking from my own experiences here!
Thanks for tuning in to this edition of "I didn't think I would need to state these things outright because I didn't think this many people would see my thread in the first place"

bless u take care
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