Random fact thread.

Feel free to add any that are true.
The loudest creature on the planet is the Sperm whale which can "click" at 236 decibels.

Some researchers believe they can "click" to communicate to other whales on the other side of the globe.
Maine is the only 1 syllable state in the Union. Our postal code ME has more
The mosquito is BY FAR the most deadly animal on the planet.
The explosion of the RDS-220 Soviet Hydrogen bomb (Tsar Bomba) on October 30, 1961 was the largest explosion ever created by a long shot. The explosion was 50 megatons of TNT but the design was theoretically was capable of double the power (100 megatons).
Only two country's use the color purple in their flag and both were of these were adopted after the invention of synthetic purple dye by William Henry Perkin who was trying to discover a treatment for malaria.
Bees (esp Bumblebees)beat their wings 200+ times a second which creates a positive charge of 100+ volts of static electricity. The negative charged flower and bee create electrostatic attraction which makes the pollen stick to their hairs (and everything else).
Water is the only element on earth that can naturally be found in all three states. Liquid, solid and gaseous.
President Calvin Coolidge was the only President born on the Fourth of July.
Marshmallows were originally made from the candied root of the Marsh mallow flower (Althaea officinalis) .
Jupiter is so massive, that it is 2.5 times the mass of all the other planets combined.
The Canary islands were not named for the birds but dogs and even then, most likely not the canine type. The word comes from the Latin word "canaria" which means dog. The island probably had no dogs but it had plenty of seals, which were referred to as "sea dogs" by the Roman's.
The oldest two animals on earth are either an Ocean Quahog clam or a Greenland shark. Both are around 510 years old.
There are 132 Hawaiian Islands.
A moth's eye is the most anti-reflective natural thing on earth due to its tapetal mirror and the corneal nipple array.
The world's largest and heaviest seed (12" long with a 3 foot circumference and a weight of 40 lbs) is a from a Lodoicea maldivica tree from the island of Praslin.
Water often appears blue because wavelengths of around 500nm are able to penetrate water much deeper than red and yellow light can. (800 meters under the right conditions)
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