Alright fam, time to talk about one of the scenes I find to be highly underrated in Re:Zero, the very first scene!

In this thread I'll be talking about the grocery store scene and why I think it excellently characterizes Subaru!
Subaru reading manga in the store shows how he's into anime/manga. However, upon further analysis, what he's looking at is clearly a scene involving romance, showing Subaru's interest in romance. Even if he's just quickly browsing through the magazine, this caught his attention.
By saying this line, it implies to the audience that Subaru is heavily into the medium, understanding how certain stories will play out based on a quick glance. This will later be shown as a character flaw since his investment in anime/manga will be revealed as something toxic.
Without words, you can clearly see how Subaru yearns for a romantic relationship as his eyes track the couple outside only to give a sigh once they pass. The reflection in the window with his despondent face before letting out a sigh shows how, on the inside, he feels empty.
Subaru trying to choose between foods also reveals a character trait, how he sometimes jumps to into things or ideas without properly thinking first. He picks up natto and is about to leave with it, only to realize he doesn't want natto.
He takes notice of his 10-yen coin being ridged because they were only issued between 1951 and 1958, so they're uncommon. However, this being the excitement of his day shows how he has little to nothing in his life that provides him with anything interesting.
After leaving the store, Subaru thinks what he's seeing is a result of his gaming addiction which is a subtle way of conveying how one of Subaru's flaws comes from being poisoned by media. He will commit actions in the show based on his fantasies without assessing the reality.
An example of what I mean is Subaru assuming that Emilia is supposed to automatically be interested in him because he's supposed to be the Isekai hero, only for that to be a fantasy in his head and not the actual reality itself with the world not revolving around him.
Upon entering a new world filled with new prospects and possibilities, we see how Subaru's eyes turn from looking dead to being filled with light. This mirrors Subaru's excitement towards being able to fulfill his escapist fantasies, he feels more alive than before.
All of this information is conveyed within the span of a two minute prologue scene, giving us an insight into the type of person Subaru is before he's thrown into another world and providing proper characterization to help us understand his actions. Thus, the adventure begins!
I hope you enjoyed reading the thread! Feel free to share it around, I've only started writing these types of long threads recently but I enjoy making them!
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