Here's a story people: the story of Dorothy Parker and her will.
So, Dorothy Parker was born in 1893. She was one of the funniest, edgiest writers of her time. She was also a raging alcoholic and manic-depressive. She once said of her abortion: "That's what I get for putting all my eggs in one bastard". In the 1930s, she wrote that.
She once wrote a short story about a totally not-racist white woman who could not stop talking about a black man being in her presence called Arrangement in Black and White. It was all about micro-aggressions. Published in the 20's.
She also co-wrote the original A Star is Born.
She was rich, mentally ill, and drunk all the time. She attempted suicide 3 times. Died in 67.
She left everything to MLK. At the time he was the most hated man in America. When HE died, everything went to NAACP instead. Everything. Not just her money and property, but the rights to all her work.
This rich, white, edgy, mentally ill alcoholic woman was saying #BlackLivesMattter in the 60's. To this day, when you buy her work, the NAACP profits.
Here is her memorial in Baltimore.
Why am I bringing this up? Because I am SICK of people excusing people's racism as it being a result of someone's age, or generation, or mental illness, or race. Or them being drunk. Parker was all these things. And she literally gave everything (except her booze) to black people
So fuck your racist Aunt Karen. She can do better and she should.
This goes for other forms of bigotry. There have been advocates for all sorts of causes for centuries. So fuck your transphobic grandpa and your sexist uncle too.
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