Everyone who keeps calling out BLM or antifa and color of skin you have to understand this is all about power. Seditious Anarchy that has been brewing in the country for decades is now spilling out everywhere. 1/ https://twitter.com/Lukewearechange/status/1269052371989983232
Let's take a quick trip down memory lane shall we. Why is the education system so screwed up? Everyone was busy keeping up with the Joneses. If I had to tag one moment it would be the birth control pill. This allowed families not to have children. Why is this important? 2/
During the revolution of women's so-called freedoms came the incessant pounding of telling a woman you are not equal to men because we weren't doing men's things like becoming a CEO or dying in a war. 3/
And you sure in the heck did not hear them talk about man raising children until decades later that is a recently new concept. A systematic expunging of femininity commenced. All the while a push for masculinity becoming feminet. 4/
Oh yes the promise of the pill. All of the advertising started pushing bringing home the bacon remember that silly commercial? What were they really pushing? 5/
Not raising your family. Not paying attention to the public schooling your child was receiving. Having daycare train your children before and after work. Why? Do families really need two vehicles? Two of everything when both parents work full time? 6/
Have you ever crunched the numbers in your family and what it actually cost to go to work? The daycare fees, the car payment, the credit cards, the incessant push for University to get them in and all the extra cost to train your child. Do the math. 7/
So the pill came out during the 60s. Trying to convince women that they aren't women and the most important job in the world isn't anymore. Let's take a look at the 70s. 8/
This is when credit became available. A whole bunch of baby boomers decided forget being a hippie - let's make money! Why? At one time in their life they had stability. They wanted a taste of that and instead of going back to the roots of the family core they rejected it. 9/
They started to fill that hole in their soul with toys, multiple houses, vacations and the like on credit. They discovered flipping houses for a profit. At this point divorce crept into society. It wasn't about enduring through marriage but to 10/
Have some kind of self-exploration period in their life. Women who chose this route had to have backing so they decided to start convincing other women in traditional feminine roles that they were missing the point. Join us they say. It doesn't matter if your marriage fails 11/
The only thing that matters is you. Your kids will adjust no problem. Enter the single mother. Enter the cohabitating couple which refused to get married because getting married is a hassle. Why marry when it cost money to divorce. Enter shared parenting sometimes. 12/
Now we have a bunch of women convincing themselves and others that they are doing the right thing. But what about the family structure? It used to be very common for Generations to raise each other under the same household or in the same neighborhood. 13/
Enter retirement communities & nursing homes. A grandparent generation slipped away from the family unit starting in the 70s and increased since then. The people who rejected their ideals have rejected them and squirreled them away out of sight. 14/
Oh the 70s, when Perpetual War started and center of the world shifted away from the center of family and God to self. Disco nights. Breastfeeding became almost outlawed in public and putting your child in school became a contest. This was when Gen X was getting raised. 15/
Latchkey kids getting raised on their own there was no daycare for the most part. We knew something was wrong and we decided not to fall in line. Many starseeds were born during this time as well as we would be needed now but that's another story. 16/
Let's take a quick look at flipping homes for a profit. What did this do to society? Not allowing children to make lifetime friends. Increasing home values across the board so the Next Generation won't be able to afford a house. 17/
Foreign investors started purchasing real estate at this time. Immigration laws we're dropping allowing anyone in under the guise of diversity. Jobs started to disappear to foreign lands thus reducing wages forcing parents to take up two jobs to survive. 18/
Are you beginning to connect the dots? Over 20 years the Trap was set. Systematic debt without a means to be free from it. Entertainment exploded keeping us distracted. Normalizing the self over our Inner Light, Source & the children. 19/
The children on their own. They used to say 30 minutes a day was the normal to spend with your own child. Does that seem normal to you? With everybody distracted enter mainstream pedophilia and trafficking of children. Missing children shot up. 20/
Enter mainstream abortion because now the pill was bad so therefore abortion was the key of saving your own body all the while destroying your soul. Enter the Godless ones into every system in America including education. 21/
Did you know the teachers union didn't start up until the 80s? A teacher could actually get sacked for being a crappy teacher but they convinced the public that they had a right for tenure. Now all they do is move them around from school to school spreading their crap around 22/
Generation X. Do you know why they call them the X generation? Traditional marketing trickery didn't work on them. Even that generation split into two groups. Those that knew and wanted the Traditional Values and those who fell in line who became messed up 23/
The first group add stability and continued to follow suit. Valuing the family core although struggling to keep it together. The other group did what was expected of them and fell in line with the programming. Non-traditional at this point in time was against the programming 24/
These are the folks who continued to fight for family, the country and the Constitution. They were basically blackballed. Two paths I have shown you that has led up to today. you see it's not about color it's about the destruction of everything that is good and wholesome. 25/
So when you Marvel at the crazy Society and watch Young Folks destroy everything and demand for their destruction through the funding of the police you now have a little bit of insight of how we got here. This ends the history lesson. But wait there's more! 26/
You must realize that everything we are witnessing has everything to do with the bigger happenings for the species of humans. It was not by accident that Society was systematically dismantled for what is transpiring now. 27/
Remember me mentioning starseeds? Yes these are the ones who have been holding the light as the dark wants to take everyone with them. I'm sure you're wondering where? 28/
You've heard about the Great Awakening. Did you know it's the same word for apocalypse which is Greek for lifting of the Veil? Yes you are living at the end and beginning of a new phase of evolution for the species of humans. This is the Tribulation that has been spoke about 29/
All frequency beings including animals are getting realigned based on their own energy signatures. That's a very long story as well but moving on. The choice of you deciding whether or not to be sovereign and draw your own personal line is here. 30/
It boils down to you of making a stand for yourself your family and society and everything good with in it or not. There is no lukewarm. 31/
Those who have been sleeping for a while who are now waking up and discovering what the hell has been going on, it is becoming quite clear to them that they have been duped. That is the stand that they had to make. They feel it in their soul. Now understand this 32/
Not everyone is going to wake up now. They will but not now. That is their own path to take. Humans have free will regardless if they are programmed or not it's just not their time. Prepare for the Apex of the shepherding is still coming. 33/
The momentum will continue to build. There's not too many left to make their personal choice. When we had hit the Apex I don't know how long it will last but then the shift event will take place. You have to understand another thing. 34/
The Resonance of reality must continue to build between the two realities that are coexisting here now. Yes this is an energy thing. It's like two magnets repelling against each other. There has to be enough of it to push away and split reality. 35/
Have no fear friends for those who finally end up in the reality of their own choosing well received relief. They will be within their matching frequency of reality and things will once again rebalance. This is ordained by Source and you are a witness to it. 36/
Have you ever wondered about the two witnesses mentioned in the Bible? Did it ever occur to you that it is reality itself that becomes a witness? We have two realities and two witnesses. We get to choose which reality we witness. I'm done now. Thanks for listening. /end
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