Dear Diary,

Today I went to:

--Gym where ppl stood on X marks even tho there was lots of room around them

--Bank drive-thru where cars dutifully lined up even tho there was empty lane marked "open"

Guess who didn't stand on a blue X?

Same person who went thru the open lane.
Dear Diary,

Today I did my part to stimulate the economy:

--Store #1 let me try on clothes--but fumigated the dressing room as soon as I left.

--Store #2 had everything on sale (woohoo!), but no dressing rooms & no returns.

Diary, do stores wonder why we shop on Amazon?
Dear Diary,

Today I saw 2 elderly women having trouble breathing bec of their masks.

I told them they weren't getting enough CO2 but they looked at me like a thug bec I didn't wear a mask.

Diary, is this all part of a DeBlasio/Cuomo plot to kill off the Greatest Generation?
Dear Diary,

I'm kind of speechless. Friend in nazi-controlled blue state said their church finally opened yesterday but they didn't go because corona. Our church has been open a month already.

Diary, is sheepleness a real thing? Is there any hope for friends in blue states?
Dear Diary,

Today I went to the polls to vote. They handed me a Q-tip to mark my vote on the screen.

Diary, do you think the mask-wearing poll-worker who also handed me a pen to sign my name--a pen used by everyone all day & never fumigated--realized how ludicrous this all is?
Dear Diary,

Today a friend texted me a flier promoting a "Peace March" in her town tomorrow.

Diary, I'm confused. What exactly is a Peace March? Are they marching against peace? Are they protesting because there's too much peace?
Dear Diary,

Today I went shopping:

-In the restroom all but 1 sink was roped off to keep people 6' apart

-Signs everywhere told me where to stand

-One sign even insisted "We're better together"

But Diary, aren't they doing everything to keep us apart?

Dear Diary,

I remembered more from my shopping trip today:

-Shoppers wearing masks bought clothes from a store called Free People

-A loudspeaker blared a hypnotic message over & over: "We're protecting you"

Diary, is it time to reread "1984"?

Dear Diary,

I wrote you from Twitmo but the guards stole my letters & turned them into masks.

The only way to get out of jail was give Google the right to collect and use info about me, my device, and my browser.


Diary, did I leave Twitmo but enter the Matrix?
Dear Diary,
I'm sorry I haven't written but I'm kind of dizzy. First @CNN reversed course & said HCQ works. Now WHO says people don't need to quarantine or social distance.

Diary, was this all an evil plot? Are people who wear masks so deprived of oxygen that they fell for it?
Dear Diary,
Our town in a RED STATE now requires us to wear masks in public.

I refuse to wear one. Or a burqa. Or take a vax. I'll only take an oath. So my next entry may be from jail.

The mayor said, "A mask may not prevent the virus." Diary, do you know when election day is?
Dear Diary,

Today I went to the grocery store—1st time since our city’s mask mandate began. I walked right in w/o a mask, smiled at the cart-fumigator & kept going.

A mask-wearing woman wore a shirt that proclaimed “Joshua 1:9.”

Diary, do you think she’s ever read that verse?
Dear Diary,

Today I forgot my water bottle at the gym. When I went back to get it I ran into a friend from church who said a neighboring church never closed. Ours opened in May but now has mask & non-mask sections.

Diary, did I forget my water bottle so I'd find out this info?
Dear Diary,

I went to UPS sans mask and overheard a mask wearer: "I can hardly breathe. I've got sinus problems. [pause] It's terrible they'll make kids wear masks when school opens. Not healthy."

Diary, is it a vast left-wing plot to deprive ppl of oxygen so they can't think?
Dear Diary,

Today I had some interesting mask conversations with sheep I mean people.

Me: I don't wear a mask.

Them: Oh, me either. Except when I go to ____.

Diary, doesn't "I don't wear a mask" mean "I don't wear a mask ever?" Even when it's inconvenient?
Dear Diary,
Today is day umpteen of not wearing a mask. People keep telling me, "Just say you have a medical exemption."

But I'm not sick.

Diary, why should I reward a business if they make me lie to buy their products or eat their food?

Diary, how will they ever learn?
Dear Diary,
After 30+ yrs of shopping @Publix, I shopped for the last time before their draconian mask mandate begins.

Mgr: You can shop online & p/u in your car.

Me: Why should I give you my business when you won't let me in the store?

Diary, she was speechless.

So was I.
Dear Diary,
I'm sorry you lost track of me but I had to change my Twitter name. Apparently Jack is afraid of the letter Q so I changed my name to @The17thLtr.

Diary, do you think that's why @Jim_Jordan invited Jack to DC tomorrow?

Diary, should Jack still be afraid?
Dear Diary,
Tonight Twitter made some suggestions of accounts I might want to follow.

Diary, with the possible exception of South Dakota, why would Twitter think I’d want to follow any of these people (and I use the term loosely)?
Dear Diary,
Today I went to a store (sans mask of course) with a huge sign on the door:

"Because of the National Coin Shortage [yes, initial caps], we only take credit cards."

Diary, didn't the stores actually cause the National Coin Shortage b/c they only take credit cards?
Dear Diary,
Today I saw a mom pushing her baby in a stroller wrapped with heavy-duty plastic.

Diary, if there are warning labels on flimsy dry-cleaner bags, wouldn't that apply here? Do Dr. Birx & Fauci think people are mindless sheep who do whatever they're told?

Oh wait...
Dear Diary
Today Dr. F said we should all wear goggles.

Diary, I'm confused. Does wearing goggles flatten the curve or just the brains of anyone who listens to him?
Dear Diary,
Today I went to the bank. You now have to wear a mask to enter. So I used the ATM but a man w/a bandana around his entire head walked right in.

Diary, I'm old enough to remember when you couldn't enter a bank if you looked like you were about to rob it. What changed?
Dear Diary,
There's more. Remember I told you about the National Coin Shortage (initial caps)? A sign at my bank said it's true--and they need coins.

Diary, I have lots of coins but how can I give them to my bank if they won't let me in? Do I have to dress like a bank robber?
Dear Diary,
Today someone called me "backward" bec I refuse to wear a mask. Then I read @GenFlynn 's ltr.

"We can no longer pretend that these dark forces are going to go away by mere prayer alone. Prayers matter, but action is required."

Diary, I know who I'd vote for in 2024.
Dear Diary,
Today I went to store & used stealth tactics:
1. Wore hat & sunglasses
2. Walked in exit
3. No eye contact
4. Turned head when passing someone

Diary, when I used to do undercover reporting in Chy na, I had no idea I'd someday use the same tactics just to buy lettuce.
Dear Diary,
Today I went to a home goods store. Usually by mid Aug the stores are full of fall & Thanksgiving & even some Christmas decor.

But I saw hardly anything.

Diary, does this mean the CCP will no longer decorate our homes for the holiday? That's a good thing, right?
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