[Thread] Why does this policeman have an SS tattoo?

I cannot comment on this officer's beliefs or characterize his actions as a police officer. I can provide context as I was involved in a larger discussion of the SS rune tattoo by Marine Scout Snipers 8 years ago. https://twitter.com/RestlessMonarch/status/1268654907558510593
And here is a USMC Scout Sniper with SS runes on his rifle.

I believe the Marine Corps has since cracked down on the use of SS symbols and this police officer likely got the tattoo while still authorized...but still.

For some more context on the use of the runes by Marines...

So, back to the officer above. It seems to me deeply problematic to have this SS tattoo (not to mention the brass knuckles) for someone who is obligated to serve and protect. Regardless of what one WANTS the message to be, I would suggest what we see is different.
This is in line with the excuses made at the time. I would be curious how the @wallawallapd, which used this article in a now-deleted tweet by way of explanation views this tattoo and its message to civilians.
Perhaps some MORE context would be helpful. First, the SS rune phenomenon is a recent development, not a time-honored tradition. At best, a terribly misplaced admiration for a supposed "elite" unit. But I'm not going to re-litigate that here.

I think now more than ever all of us, but particularly our police, need to be cognizant of the messages they send.

This person joined the force with the tattoo- no questions asked.

They have served for at least five years- no questions asked.

I think we should ask why?
People have the right to express themselves in tattoos, but those expressions have consequences. The military bars new recruits who have racist or otherwise offensive tattoos and forbids them on current soldiers. Image from Army regulations.

Perhaps police departments should do a similar audit? The murder of #GeorgeFloyd appears to have ushered in an era in which the police will (rightly) be held to account for systemic racism and brutality as an institution. Officers with tattoos like this impede that effort. #BLM
Note: this is not an isolated incident. https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1268014134605438976?s=20
At least some discussion has gone on regarding the display of tattoos. https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1268207163224125441?s=20
I will close by reiterating that I have no knowledge of the beliefs or ideologies of the officer in question nor am I (in the absence of such evidence) suggesting he is racist.

I can state he wears an SS rune tattoo which should be a problem for anyone also wearing a badge.
I, for one, would love to hear from the @wallawallapd about their policies regarding tattoos such as this and community relations.
I don't have anything personal to promote.

Others are in much greater need. Please consider donating to help underserved at-risk families with my nurse sister-in-law's GoFundMe campaign.


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