Just starting THE WIRE for the first time ever (we didn’t have HBO growing up. Sue me). End of episode 2... very illuminating.

Also, VERY young Michael B. Jordan sighting.
To make it clear: I know nothing of the show, besides the fact that many people consider it the GOAT show...

That being said, could tell basically immediately, that sh*t isn’t gonna end well for D’angelo. Too “Soft”, as Bunk put it.
The 2 fat, old, lazy white dudes on Daniels’ detail... I could only imagine how many worthless POS’ every detective force has. Just counting the days til retirement
Was obvious from the outset, but Stringer is... not fond of D’angelo. Adding credence to D being a patsy.

Nepotism is gonna do Avon in at some point, no doubt (it already is tbh).
Omar. What an introduction. Lol
Herc is such a dumbass lmao
WAIT, McNulty has a child?!?!
S1E4: the "F*ck" scene. Incredible.
S1E5: Omar whistling “The Farmer in the Dell”..... psychopath sh*t lmao
Really enjoying the McNulty/Kima dynamic. Nothing to add to that, besides that I enjoy it.
S1E5: rehab scene - Avon is definitely a bit sadistic. D’angelo also never knows his place.
S1E6: Avon and String showing up at The Pit was surprising. The detective being incompetent, and missing them was... not.
S1E7: random Donnell Rawlings sighting lmao
S1E8: McNulty using his kids to tail Stringer... what a sick f*ck lmao
Totally unrelated to the plot: Verizon must have paid a F*CK ton to get their name on those pay phones lmao
Stringer in a MacroEcon class with Rhonda?? Lmao
Finally back watching. 5 mins in, stink gets shot. Sheesh
Just finished ep 10 (Greggs gets shot)... incredible the difference in response to Stink getting shot.

I saw that tweet calling THE WIRE “copaganda” the other day. How could anyone possibly think that lmao
Ep 11: Just saw the Wee-Bey gif lmaaaooo
Wallace.... damn
S2E2: McNulty is the original petty gawd
S2E3: “Market saturation”
Two Notes:

1) Avon is f*ckin crazy.

2) I really enjoy the credits music
S2E4: Rawls is so perfectly hateable
That dinner scene where it’s inferred Daniels and Kima “break the news” to their significant others. Brilliant.
S2E5: Method Man sighting????
Daniels is consistently conflicted, and I get it. That constant battle of ambition vs right/wrong
S2E6: “All Prologue”

Maybe the best episode of the series so far. The thematic consistency. through the entire episode is flawless. Hate that it had with D’angelo getting knocked off, but... it made sense.
S2E8: having a hard time taking B Russell seriously, because I can’t stop thinking she’s Holly Flax.
S2E10: I really can’t believe how much time and effort the creators/writers put in to the smallest details. Right down to the accents of cameo characters for 1 scene at a bar. Ambitious and incredible stuff.
(Not that I didn’t see it coming. Just not like this).
Herc and Carver. Missing one of the Greeks driving out of the cafe. Being dumbasses. Lmao
Valchak sucks SO much. Pryz is the man for punching him.
S2E11: Lansman is such an incompetent asshat
S2 Finale: cracking tf up at Herc and Carver staking our Nick’s house while he’s already at the station.
S3E1: Here. We. Go.
Sydnor is back!
Stringer just turning the operation into a full on business is a such a great move by the writers.

Avon is definitely gonna have some objections when he gets out, tho.
Alright. Long hiatus. Lot going on in life these days.

But, we’re back. S3E3. Let’s go.
“You keep it boring String’. You keep it dead f*ckin boring”
“It’s Baltimore gentleman. The gods, will not save you.”
S3E5: Thoroughly enjoying the Cutty storyline
Avon getting out of jail is fairly clear foreshadowing that sh*t is about to get crazier.
McNulty taking down the D.C. fixer? That’ll end well lmao
“On Fire” blaring on the club speakers at Avon’s “welcome home” party.

Lloyd Banks was cool for a couple years lol
Bubs is actually trying to get his sh*t together. Good for him.
The thing about a great show like The Wire: even the little things are great.

Like I’ve said before, the end credits music just matches the ultimate emotion of the show.
Whew Carver is starting a dangerous game.
McNulty is such a convuluted character for me lmao
Season 3 man.... whew.
“A life Jimmy, you know what that is? It’s the sh*t that happens while you’re waiting for the moment that never comes.”
Pryz man... c'mon
Lester is the coolest.
Last 4-5 episodes the first time Stringer has really been stressed. Interested to see where that leads.
Avon man.... whew.
S4E1: they’re really gonna show everything from the ground up. Wildly ambitious.
Bodie is slowly growing into one of my favorite characters. That “entrapment” sh*t he pulled out of his ass was hilarious lmao
This thread is falling off. Already halfway through season 4.
I think one of the most brilliant parts of The Wire is that the showrunners and writers were able to add new “worlds”, without neglecting old ones.

The streets are still entrenched in the story. It’s just being viewed thru a different lens.
They also found someone phenomenal teenage actors to play the parts of 8th graders. Nothing feels phony or put-on about their personalities. Can be very tough to pull off with young kids.
Carcetti winning the mayorship was an interesting choice. There’s more to it I’m sure, just don’t know what that is for now.
Marlo is about as unfeeling as they come. A prerequisite for running the streets (or any organization really).
Prez is actually becoming a competent teacher as we approach the back half of the season.

The show hasn’t been that tough on the schools tho imo. Maybe my lens is different b/c I grew up around educators and know how much the American public education system leaves to be desired
This season also ran in 2006... maybe the issues within our school system hadn’t been brought to the forefront at that time. Measures like “No Child Left Behind” would seem to run counter to that tho.
Herc is heading down a bad path here trying to get his camera back... this isn’t gonna end well.
Rhonda urging Daniels to become a political animal is incredibly ironic lmao

Feels like this meeting with Mayor isn’t gonna go well.
How could anyone watch this show and think the “War on Drugs” is a good idea?
There’s an Avon Barksdale in every major city. For every Avon, there’s a Marlo waiting in the wings to takeover. It’s a never ending cycle.

Declaring “War on Drugs” to take down “kingpins”, is akin to trying to treat inoperable cancer. It’s too late.
Bubs is down bad again. Sucks.
Lots of maneuvering in the political world... lots going on in the streets and the schools.... I can’t believe they’re able to keep all of these storylines running concurrently.
Cold opening to S4E12.... man oh man lmao
Landsman is the absolute worst. God that guy sucks.
Not Bodie man. C’mon.
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