I learned TODAY that a MILLION black men who fought in World War II w/Drew Brees’ grandfathers were DENIED the GI Bill benefits they EARNED because they were black. As a military vet I’m EMBARRASSED I didn’t know that. It makes me want to scream.
2/Our blood was just as red as the white boys’; courage just as strong as the white boys’; patriotism just as deep as the white boys’; sacrifices just as selfless as the white boys’. But when we came home from WWII,a country that didnt love us robbed us of earned GI Bill benefits
3/All of this makes U wonder why AfricanAmericans love America & why more of us (if not all of us) don’t snap. Well, we love this country coz we’ve been here for 400 yrs & helped build it. It’s ours. And we won’t snap coz we’re resourceful&resilient ppl of faith,hope&forgiveness.
4/How different would US be if those one million blk men had been able2take advantage of G.I. Bill benefits2buy homes&go2college like their white counterparts after WWII? There almost certainly would be less blk poverty&larger blk middle class. Devastating economic ripple effect.
5/I’d bet good money both of Drew Brees’ white grandfathers who fought in WWII took advantage of GI Bill after they came home; benefited them, their white communities, their white families&their white progeny—including Drew Brees, who shouldnt be telling anybody not2take a knee.
6/Lots of prideful whites boast govt didnt give them anything,that their fam earned what they got via hard work; probably dont realize their family’s upward mobility/prosperity launched after someone took advantage of GI Bill after WWII...a boost millions of blk fams were denied.
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