After some thought, it is my belief that the GOP turned on Trump some time ago, and that we are currently experiencing the desperate, drawn out death rattle of Trump’s ill-conceived presidential adventure.

I will explain. Let me know what you think.


In a previous thread, I described the long term strategy goals of the GOP, and the state-based targeting strategy that Trump and the GOP are now using for re-election - capitalizing on crises.

This thread still holds true, but I believe a further distinction needs to be made.
We have to remember that we are dealing with several different factions and groups here, and their goals and motives do not always align.

There are two “groups” in particular that we should be thinking about right now (just for this purpose - they aren’t strictly separate).

First, let’s consider one set of interests together as a group that we’ll call the TrumpMob.

This includes Trump, and essentially an axis of largely criminal interests, as well as various oligarchs and intelligence operatives.

TrumpMobCo would include (but is not limited to):

Russian/Ukrainian mafia
Petroleum companies & barons
Bibi Netanyahu
Bill Barr
[Many others]
*Jared Kusher*

This group wants money and power, and is not averse to committing brutally criminal acts to that end.
Now let’s define a second set of people & interests as the KochMobCo.

This group includes very old money interests in the US.

A few decades ago, David Koch ran as a libertarian. That went so badly, they set out to use their wealth to “manage” democracy.

This look familiar?
If it does, that is because it has largely become the modern Republican platform.

This group is a set of highly determined and wealthy interests, with the ability to plan and act in very long term time scales.

This is their long game, via the GOP:
This is highly simplified for brevity’s sake, but the KochMob has been increasingly influencing GOP policies since after 1980.

Later, TrumpMobCo started working to do the same (without trump).

@LincolnsBible, @ericgarland, and others have TONS of detail/info on the latter.
So what’s the point of talking about these groups and interests?

Because their goals began overlapping at one point, and eventually some of the people began overlapping as well.

Turns out, when you AstroTurf low-rent candidates into office, you get what you pay for.
Which brings us to our current situation.

We have a party in power that has been infiltrated by corrupt groups (mostly KochMob), whose goals often align, but whose strategy & tactics quite often don’t.

And all led by a president who only has allegiance to one of them.
*None* of them expected TrumpMobCo to actually win in 2016.

These folks are nothing if not opportunistic; struggles ensued, interests aligned, and they hammered out a way to present a PR facade of “governing,” while they worked behind the scenes to tear down US institutions.
But remember, the KochMob strategy is focused on using the GOP to do two things: stack the courts, and capture 34 state legislatures in their pursuit of a constitutional convention (the 2018 midterms were a big setback, #ETTD).

This is distinctly different from Trump.

TrumpMobCo is focused on weakening & undermining America in every way, because the US & western alliances have been cracking down on their organized criminal enterprises (which create vast pools of dirty money that need to be laundered into western economies).

The fact that each of these groups was willing to help the other destroy America to achieve their own goals shows just how greedy and opportunistic they are.

But it was inevitable that this arrangement would break down, when it stopped being mutually beneficial.

Nothing is more emblematic of this chaotic and deteriorating situation than the Covid-19 response.

We saw these groups enabling each other in desperate attempts to pursue their own ends.

TrumpMobCo (headed up in the US by Jared Kushner), was using the pandemic to find ways to make up for all the money they are losing. This is why the PPE project air bridge is such a debacle - its primary goal isn’t to help Americans; it is all about moving money.

The KochMob are using the pandemic in a different way: they need to recapture the states they lost in 2018, and take more.

This is why we have astroturfed “re-open protests” publicly attacking and diminishing Dem-led states - a hallmark of the KochMob.

Again, this is vastly oversimplified (it’s much more complex), but here is the point:

In the pandemic response, we see these two groups working in tandem to achieve their goals, but the KochMob was only doing it to salvage as much as they can from the trump supernova.
When did the old money of the KochMob GOP decide that Trump’s presidency was over?

I suspect this happened in early March, as the extent of the pandemic became clear.

That’s when McConnell went home and frantically called and asked judges to retire.
Still, they continued to work with the Trump admin, planning these state strategies.

Now, here is what I think is very interesting:

With the murder of George Floyd, we are seeing something *very* different.

By early March, the smart money in the GOP had decided that trump was over.

And then, on May 25, Derek Chauvin condescendingly smirked to the cameras as a group of police officers worked together to murder George Floyd.

Could this spark race riots similar to Rodney King?
Immediately after Floyd’s very public murder, there were protests - but these were more than just protests.

Organized groups, including white nationalists and civil war fetishists, systematically began running ops to incite violence, and blame the left, BLM, and Antifa.
These are not KochMob groups. These are TrumpMob groups, and *only* TrumpMob groups.

Remember when Trump hid in his bunker?

He called Putin that day. Afterward, we saw Trump tear gas protestors and perform his pathetic authoritarian photo ops to look like a “strongman.”
Here is what I find interesting.

While the GOP KochMob had written off trump by early March, it’s possible that Trump didn’t *know* they had.

They clearly continued coordinating with him on the pandemic response.

So what changed between then and now?

The TrumpMob must have found out that the old money had turned on him - just like they have all his life, because he is nothing more than a dirty, cheating con man.

Maybe they felt the knife twisting when they learned what was in the Senate Intel’s final report on Russia.

Regardless of when or how, it appears that Trump became desperate.

His “allies” had turned on him. He had to figure out a way to do this on his own - because if he doesn’t, he’s going to prison.

Not only that, but the criminal networks that he associates with will be torn apart by the US Justice system.

And his fate is inextricably intertwined with theirs.
The GOP and KochMob are in a very bad situation too.

They have radicalized their entire voting base over the years to the point that Trump was able to take it over entirely.

This is why the GOP Senate didn’t convict Trump.
If the GOP publicly denounces Trump, they - and the KochMob - will lose *everything* they have worked for over the last forty years.

Marvel - marvel at how these pathetic, cowardly traitors can’t muster a single whimper in defense of the US Constitution:
It’s because they aren’t working for the Constutution or the American people.

They are wholly compromised by a combination of

Compromising info

They don’t work for us - they are vessels for other interests who are using them to “manage” our democracy.

So, to loop back around and summarize...

The GOP is a captured party
Multiple interests are using them
Major interests have turned on Trump

We are now seeing Trump’s last, desperate Hail Mary attempt to stay in power:

The “Strongman” saves the country from a Fake Enemy

But Trump’s last, desperate con IS FAILING. And badly.

The USIC and law enforcement in many places are exposing the deceptive operations that bad actors are attempting to use to incite violence.

But Trump’s immoral tricks are not only failing - they are backfiring.

And some truly amazing and beautiful things are rising from the chests
and spirits of good people all across America.

People are uniting.

Against these immoral criminals.

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