A couple of notes & resources for people looking for info on #lawandprotest in so-called Canada, since I'm seeing a lot of folks sharing US info that isn't always applicable. First, check this guide from just a couple of months ago: http://unistoten.camp/movement-defense/
Finally, I want to say a couple of words about #bailfunds in the 'Canadian' context. 'Cash bail', meaning requiring an arrested person to actual deposit money with a court in order to be released on bail, is pretty rare under Cdn criminal law...
It's much more common that if someone isn't released on "their own recognizance" (meaning that they signed papers agreeing to certain conditions & promised to appear in court on a certain date), they will need a "surety".
A surety is someone who knows the arrestee and promises to supervise them, make sure they appear in court, etc. Sometimes the surety has to show proof of assets (usually a house or other significant property), but they don't usually have to deposit any money.
What this means is that legal support fundraising in 'Canada' isn't so much about 'bail funds' as about all the other costs involved in getting people out: paying lawyers, transportation, comms, jail and court support supplies, phone bills, etc etc etc. This all adds up!!
Fundraising is super important and it's esp helpful when it's done in conjunction with defendants' committees and helps to build solidarity and fuel organizing! Just know that you can't walk into a Cdn courthouse with a wad of cash and bail people out.
Look out for each other and if shit goes down, remember that the action isn’t over until everyone is out!! #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #JusticeForRegis
If you're looking for resources for longer-term defendant organizing, check out my comrades @_TiltedScales
They are based in the so-called US, but their book and zine are incredibly useful resources for supporting each other & building power https://twitter.com/_TiltedScales/status/1268004356764336134?s=20
I re-tweeted this a few days ago but I'm gonna add it to this thread as well, because this is the best info I've seen about tech (esp smart phones) & demos. Some US-specific info, but the tech details & advice apply 💯 https://twitter.com/EFF/status/1266520196375773185?s=20
👇 https://twitter.com/SarahJama_/status/1268048228337045504?s=20
You can follow @irinaceric.
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