Will create a thread of news (as it comes in) illustrating what I was explaining in my post

1. 3 Boogaloo Bois caught (I mention them in my piece) trying to commit a terrorist act in 'a conspiracy to spark violence during recent protests in Las Vegas.'

2. FBI found ‘No Intel Indicating Antifa Involvement’ in Sunday’s violence, 'However, did warn that individuals from a far-right social media group had 'called for far-right provocateurs to attack federal agents, use automatic weapons against protesters.' https://www.thenation.com/article/activism/antifa-trump-fbi/
6. I mention the Proud Boys in my Medium piece at the top of this thread. See how how murky things are 👇 https://twitter.com/satellit3heart/status/1268863536299675648?s=21 https://twitter.com/Satellit3Heart/status/1268863536299675648
8. DOJ granted DEA sweeping new powers against protestors...well journalism and the law is fighting back. Use democracy while you have it! Kudos to @JasonLeopold and @a_cormier_ 🙌 https://twitter.com/JasonLeopold/status/1269098637616803840?s=20
10. This is the kind of anti-Semitic trope that the Alt-Right are spreading online and that I spoke about in my piece at the top of this thread.

Great reporting from @oneunderscore__ and @BrandyZadrozny . Follow thread 👇

https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/1269376123080781825?s=21 https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/1269376123080781825
14. These are the same groups who are anti-Govt control, some anti-Police (e.g. Boogaloo Bois) & pro free speech. Yet the moment people say defund the police (not same as getting rid of them), they’re suddenly allies of the police, think they’re the law & can be violent. Watch: https://twitter.com/RyanAFournier/status/1269486494957387776
15. Totally normal behaviour for the President of the USA? A country that is currently a democracy but for how long? Read this👇

https://twitter.com/cnnpr/status/1270802155201576962?s=21 https://twitter.com/CNNPR/status/1270802155201576962
16. Trump will do what it takes to suppress the vote. If he wins, he’ll accelerate his plan. If he still loses, the extreme parts of his movement will rise up. We have less than 6 months to unite the USA.

https://twitter.com/demredistrict/status/1270444211465261057?s=21 https://twitter.com/DemRedistrict/status/1270444211465261057
17. This Tweet is designed to appeal to the religious extremists in his base. Read the letter and see the language used. Now go back to the top of this thread and read my piece. He needs them and they need him.

https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1270842639903006720?s=21 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1270842639903006720
18. Check out this official Trump campaign email. Look at the language in it. This is what I'm talking about in my article at the top of this thread.

Look at the programming, the capitalised words, the call to arms, and the reinforced radical dualism? #TrumpDictatorship
19. This is deliberate :( Trump is holding his 1st campaign really on Juneteenth, the day when slaves were emancipated & he's doing it in Tulsa - where 99 years ago white supremacists massacred a thriving black community https://www.tulsahistory.org/exhibit/1921-tulsa-race-massacre/ https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1270824458614439936?s=20
20. This is maturity. A top US military General actively holding his hands up. Don’t mock him - applaud him for owning up. Crucially, this is good, as there is a divergence between the military and Trump. It makes his horrid plans harder.

https://twitter.com/usaprotests/status/1271076117835911168?s=21 https://twitter.com/USAProtests/status/1271076117835911168
21. This is hope right here! The next generation are grounded and won’t stand for Trump’s values. Mentor, coach, and sponsor a diversity of youth to get into politics - we need them in leadership positions 👇

https://twitter.com/theplumlinegs/status/1271559601687801856?s=21 https://twitter.com/ThePlumLineGS/status/1271559601687801856
22. The Boogaloo Bois are still going unchecked by Trump. If you’ve read my article at the top of this thread you know why.

Now see this extreme and horrific violence 👇 not a word from Trump, Barr and co.

https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/1272987008047239169?s=21 https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/1272987008047239169
23. And on the above some context... https://twitter.com/Timodc/status/1272966765039902720?s=20
24. This just gets worse and worse. "President Trump’s reelection campaign is displaying a marking once used by the Nazis to designate political prisoners in concentration camps." https://twitter.com/Yamiche/status/1273627526754185219?s=20
25. More on this below. When I wrote about this stuff in my piece at the top of this thread, I wasn’t overreacting - I was being entirely serious and saying time was running out. Tell me the below is normal? 👇

https://twitter.com/mmfa/status/1273644108561686530?s=21 https://twitter.com/mmfa/status/1273644108561686530
26. These are the less radical Christians I talk about in my article at the top of this thread. They’re swept up with the messaging that Trump has been sent by God. Listen to the lyrics:

“There will never be another USA if we don't vote Trump"


https://twitter.com/calnbc/status/1273416410283290625?s=21 https://twitter.com/CalNBC/status/1273416410283290625
27. Now compare Tweet 24 and 25 above with how Breitbart is spinning a clearly violent campaign so that it masks what actually happened with the Nazi markers & makes the MAGA movement feel wronged. This is done purposely to make it look like liberals are seeing things.
29. This is an actual Tweet. Look at the language + “any protestors” - this is a clear threat & an incitement - 178,000 likes and 60.6k RTs. All amplified to the extremists within his movement. Now do you see what I’m saying in my piece at the top of this thread? #TrumpRallyTulsa
30. Here we go again ... the Boogaloo Bois in action

https://twitter.com/natashabertrand/status/1274064399515430912?s=21 https://twitter.com/NatashaBertrand/status/1274064399515430912
31. THIS IS NOT NORMAL! https://twitter.com/cliffordlevy/status/1274160817345302528?s=20
32. Notice they don’t do this for white supremacist groups?

https://twitter.com/public_citizen/status/1274123122971639810?s=21 https://twitter.com/Public_Citizen/status/1274123122971639810
33. Remember when I spoke about the Ultimate Concern of Trump's devotees in the piece at the top of this thread? Well take a look at this 👇 - what does it tell you about the MAGA cult? https://twitter.com/HeidiNBC/status/1274338812173393920?s=20
34. This is very good at showing just how interconnected the far-right white supremacist threat is. They want a race war and are preparing for one. Trump and other right wing leaders have fuelled them.

“Neo-Nazi militant group grooms teenagers” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-53128169
35. Pay attention 👇 this guy is not alone...we can neutralise his need for a belief system like that or we can ignore it and let it snowball. Where’s the leadership around this? Why are politicians not tackling this head on?

https://twitter.com/kremlintrolls/status/1275039271192231936?s=21 https://twitter.com/KremlinTrolls/status/1275039271192231936
36. SDNY indicts a U.S. Army soldier for sending sensitive details about his unit to a neo-Nazi group in preparation for an ambush on his own unit. Horrific details 👇 and sadly more of this will keep happening

https://twitter.com/sdnynews/status/1275170603016900613?s=21 https://twitter.com/SDNYnews/status/1275170603016900613
37. As I keep saying - bit by bit democracy is being eroded and a path to fascism is being paved by Trump and his allies. Listen to Donald Ayer and what he says about Barr. https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1275832019243630592?s=20
38. They obey Trump's messages and the QAnon conspiracy theories - believing it all to be the word of God. Watch all of this - if we want any normality in November we have to win people away from the bubbles that make them think this stuff... https://twitter.com/aravosis/status/1275854598146871296?s=20
40. Trump has just retweeted a video of a MAGA shouting ‘white power’. How much more evidence do we need before it’s too late to do anything?

https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1277204969561755649?s=21 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1277204969561755649
42. Remember these white supremacists have jobs and they hide in plain sight, bring their biases to work. This is what makes them even more dangerous - their mask (ironic) only slips when they're not at work. This one below is in charge of hiring doctors: https://twitter.com/Brasilmagic/status/1277972703811534848?s=20
43. Here is the chairman of the American Conservative Union saying this. Look at the language. Who’s it designed to fire up? The whole Trump cult is dangerous as heck. Whatever you think is bad, the reality is multiple times worse.

https://twitter.com/mschlapp/status/1278779038551683072?s=21 https://twitter.com/mschlapp/status/1278779038551683072
44. More incitement from Trump. Throws up a made up enemy and galvanises his base to fight that made up threat. The location of the speech and the words in the speech, they’re all designed to do what I’ve said in the piece at the top of this thread.

https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1279249542962122753?s=21 https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1279249542962122753
45. Little by little - the path to fascism continues - Trump is now attacking education. Wish I could say it's surprising but if you've been paying attention, you'd know this was coming. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1281616586273468416?s=20
46. The MAGAs are becoming increasingly unhinged as their programming continues through QAnon & co. As I keep saying, even if Trump loses in November, you think this guy & millions like him are going to accept it quietly? #TrumpMeltdown #TrumpIsLosing

51. This is why Portland should frighten every American. It’s not a one off. Remember Barr established this to be nationwide under the guise of this > https://www.dhs.gov/news/2020/07/01/dhs-announces-new-task-force-protect-american-monuments-memorials-and-statues
52. Deputy Secretary of DHS Ken Cuccinelli tells NPR they are going to roll out their tactics in Portland nationwide. They tried it in DC before the 1st July statement, nobody opposed it, and now here we are https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/dhs-under-boss-were-taking-this-national
55. He’s been warning for 3.5 years. This should not be a surprise. This entire thread of tweets above should make that clear https://twitter.com/ap/status/1284864150783643648?s=21 https://twitter.com/AP/status/1284864150783643648
57. And yet there will be no strong organised opposition voices, and so on and on he will go. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1285244981322690560?s=20
58. Tweet 58 of this thread & we’ve crossed over. This is chilling! Wolf is talking about ‘proactively arresting’ folk. He keeps using graffiti / damage of Federal buildings (easy to stage) as justification so it stays within Barr’s July 1st PACT announcement #PortlandProtests
59. And so the plan moves ahead. The DHS says it expects unrest until November. What I wrote in the article at the very top of this thread, is no longer an ‘if’, it’s a ‘happening’. #OperationLegend

https://twitter.com/joshtpm/status/1286035809183899651?s=21 https://twitter.com/joshtpm/status/1286035809183899651
60. When you’re attacking your own citizens and leaders, what do you call that? #PortlandProtests

https://twitter.com/mike_ikahihifo/status/1286254172870864897?s=21 https://twitter.com/Mike_Ikahihifo/status/1286254172870864897
61. @SteveSchmidtSES gets it! Thread 👇 This is what I’ve been banging on about. I don’t understand why everyone in power is not 24/7 focusing on stopping. This is why I wrote the piece at the top of this thread. That was 50 days ago! #OperationLegend

https://twitter.com/SteveSchmidtSES/status/1286286188597465093?s=20 https://twitter.com/SteveSchmidtSES/status/1286286188597465093
62. Here we have Rick Wiles, far-right white supremacist, extremist Christian pastor, and conspiracy nut. What’s he doing? Telling Trump to kill Americans https://twitter.com/rightwingwatch/status/1286663934725042186?s=21 https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1286663934725042186
64. Here we go! Remember Umbrella Man smashing things up at the Minneapolis protests end of May? Well turns out he is linked to white supremacists.. and “Police say Umbrella Man helped turn the largely peaceful protests violent.” #Gestapo https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-53579099#
65. Here we go...drip drip drip, bang. This isn’t a warning to anyone sane. He’s going to do what he likes. It’s a signal boost to his extreme MAGAs to get ready to fight. #TrumpMeltdown https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1288818160389558273?s=20
66. Just look at this👇 https://twitter.com/juliaioffe/status/1289005070403739653?s=21 https://twitter.com/juliaioffe/status/1289005070403739653
70. And they keep on coming out. Politicians are asleep at the wheel whilst other politicians actively nurture this threat https://twitter.com/amberd1116/status/1289745806065467392?s=21 https://twitter.com/AmberD1116/status/1289745806065467392
71. And now the ramping-up of messages to the radical millennialists gathers pace. Listen to Trump's words, listen to who he is speaking to. I just don't get why the opposition is underestimating this messaging and what is to come... https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1291438276671397890?s=20
72. So far there are 72 tweets in this thread but it could easily have been on the 10000th tweet by now if I included everything I saw; So much of the below happening 👇 https://twitter.com/igd_news/status/1291851096386764800?s=21 https://twitter.com/IGD_News/status/1291851096386764800
74. The voter suppression gathers steam under the guise of ‘let’s make it expensive’ and yet nobody in opposition is raising hell about it :( https://twitter.com/theprospect/status/1291917044351479809?s=21 https://twitter.com/TheProspect/status/1291917044351479809
75. The cult is relentless. I’m so frustrated that the Democrats are underestimating the mad MAGA cult powered by the even madder QAnon cult and their digital soldiers. This ad is running on Fox News. It’s a QAnon Trumpy Bear. I’m not making ths up.
76. There we go in Trump's own words: “Now they need that money in order to make the post office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots...But if they don’t get those two items that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting” https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1293905691602751488
78. I wrote this para two and a half months ago. Since then Trump isn’t just rallying kneecapping the USPS, he’s making sure it’s destroyed in every way. #USPSsabotage

#HowLowTrumpWillGo? This low > https://medium.com/@darshansanghrajka/trump-is-inciting-the-far-right-to-fight-his-violent-civil-war-here-is-how-we-stop-it-a6ee091b419b https://twitter.com/tomaskenn/status/1294427812670124033
79. Great thread. This is how people come together to defeat the white supremacists. The Proud Boys and their sort need to realise that Trump does not equal the average American https://twitter.com/samueljrob/status/1294673721295339520?s=21 https://twitter.com/samueljrob/status/1294673721295339520
80. No idea what Congress are doing but they seem to be asleep! See Trump’s Tweet below...

https://twitter.com/chiefchimpanzee/status/1294691330191495168?s=21 https://twitter.com/chiefchimpanzee/status/1294691330191495168
You can follow @chiefchimpanzee.
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