Reminder: There is no legal mechanism for designating domestic extremist groups as terrorists in the USA. (President Trump is a paper tiger.)
If there were, white supremacist & ethno-nationalist groups would be on it – starting with the KKK.
“We have a significant increase in racially motivated violent extremism in the US and, I think, a growing increase in white nationalism and white supremacy extremist movements,” Jay Tabb, head of national security for the @FBI:
It took YEARS for @DHSgov to begin to address the growing threat of violent extremeism white supremacists – much "pre-existing condition" of white nationalism across the South:

Today, @FBI should be investigating federal officers:
In April 2020, the @StateDept designated an ultra-nationalist group based in Russia as a terrorist organization, the first time (!) the US government applied the label to a white supremacist group:
For decades, the USA's domestic counterterrorism strategy ignored the growing threat of far-right extremism.
Then Trump was elected, & brought a white nationalist into the @WhiteHouse: Stephen Miller is still there.
Given Trump's record of illiberalism, abuse of power, & demonstrated intent to criminalize dissent, Congress would be foolish to pass new domestic terrorism law.

But it should hold open hearings on whether foreign or domestic extremists are deliberately stoking riots & fires.
White supremacists pose a dire security threat in 2020:
But they've been terrorizing our fellow Americans for many decades.
The Confederate Flag is a symbol of domestic terror – as are statues of traitors:
If China’s actions merit public attention & government response: shouldn’t those of the white nationalists that the @FBI identified as the primary threat for domestic terrorism?

How much is this (neo-Confederate?) POTUS affecting our union’s resilience?
The most significant domestic terror threat to the U.S. comes from white supremacists — not Antifa, gangs, the Mob, or protestors yelling at restaurant patrons. Ask @DHS_Wolf about it, Congress. And look at who tweets a viral video while ignoring murders.
Former US officials have now gone on the record they could not bring up Russian active measures or white supremacy to this @POTUS. Trump’s narcissism & racism has put national security & the safety of Americans at greater risk.
A whistleblower said @DHSgov withheld this annual assessment for months which warns white supremacy is the “most persistent & lethal threat" in the US, & names Russia as the primary source of disinformation:
(DHS can't say POTUS is)
September 2020: a whistleblower said @DHSgov officials told analysts to downplay threats from violent white supremacy & Russian election interference Now the impacts of
online radicalization & stochastic terrorism are becoming clearer, as a present danger
The Nashville bomber’s girlfriend warned he was building bombs a year ago. The police investigated, & checked with @ATFHQ @FBI:
Does this story end differently if federal law enforcement’s threat model had prioritized radicalized white violent extremists?
When Goltein says this, listen:
Read what she says about a President & emergency powers:
Know that if the Senate flips (now likely) & certifies Biden's win tomorrow, an autocrat desperate to evade accountability may create a crisis.
Far-right militia storming @USCapitol should drive fundamental change, now. It's a national security vulnerability. Audit USCP for far-right extremists; ID who let people in & took selfies.
Did @FBI track extremists?
Where were they?
Where was @DHSgov?
Did @WhiteHouse interfere?
An intel failure? Nah
Media reporting on intent of far-right militias was sound & robust
@FBI & @DHSgov knew
No mounted Park Police
No National Guard in Humvees guarding @USCapitol
No 10' fence, like for Confederate statues.
Some @CapitolPolice let them in
"there should have been a heavily manned perimeter sealing off the entire Capitol grounds and a second around the building itself given that extremist groups with a history of violent confrontations were involved."
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