If you're enjoying the Democrat Party's total abdication of responsibility during these riots, you're going to LOVE how they turn into iron-fisted dictators if they win in November and start looting the rest of us to rebuild the cities they allowed the rioters to destroy.
There won't be any talk of "justice" or "fairness." Your Democrat overlords will not give a rat's ass about YOUR hardships, the pressing needs of your family, the damage your business suffered during the lockdown. They'll ruthlessly tug out your wallet and empty it without mercy.
And if you object to what Democrats are doing - if you make a single peep about how it's unfair to loot the law-abiding to pay for damage inflicted by rioters and incompetent Democrat mayors and governors - you'll discover how little they really care about "the right to protest."
That goes double for law-abiding black citizens who were fortunate enough not to live under Democrat misrule during these turbulent weeks. If you object to paying for the depredations of rioters in other cities and states, you will swiftly discover that you're not REALLY black.
God help anyone, of any ethnicity, who dares to object to the titanic redistribution of wealth victorious Democrats would impose in 2021, "justified" by the riots they aided and abetted in 2020. You'll be treated far worse than the rioters ever were, including the murderers.
You're going to discover that under Democrat rule - as previewed in their hellhole cities during these riots - you don't HAVE any real "rights." You have what the ruling party thinks you "deserve." No individual right will be allowed to stand in the way of their righteous agenda.
How's your right to peaceable assembly looking right now, if you live in a Democrat city and disagree with the rioters? I wouldn't recommend trying to exercise it right now. Democrats won't lift a finger to protect you. They'll say it's YOUR FAULT you got maimed or killed.
Obviously your right to private property has been utterly nullified in Democrat cities by the riots, and will be ignored again when they seize what remains of your wealth to finance their agenda in 2021. There's no presumed innocence for those accused of collective "racism."
You must understand that under collectivism - socialism, communism, fascism, whatever label it lurks beneath - the core principle of inalienable individual rights must be attacked and totally destroyed. You get the rights you DESERVE, as determined by the party in power.
And those rights can be taken away by the Party if you don't "deserve" them, or someone else deserves more rights than you. If the Party lacks the power to impose its will under the law, it will use its lawless auxiliaries to do it by force, from street muscle to Party media.
You'll see all of this demonstrated very clearly if the American people are foolish enough to let the Democrats parlay their riots into political power next year. You'll be amazed how quickly YOU are summarily stripped of every "right" they loudly claim the rioters have.
You don't even really need to wait to see it, do you? It's happening right now. You just watched the entire elite power structure hand the rioters an instant, unqualified free pass from the coronavirus lockdown that ruined YOUR life. "Medical experts" are ENDORSING THE RIOTS.
And if those experts haven't been lying to us for the past month or two, if there's a huge surge of coronavirus cases in three weeks because of these riots, guess who's going to feel the iron glove of the State as fresh lockdowns are imposed? Not them. YOU.
If you dare to protest Democrats in 2021, you'll suddenly discover YOUR right to protest, to peaceably assemble, counts for nothing. You'll be harassed relentlessly by the authorities. Remember how they socked the Tea Party with huge bills for "police protection" at its rallies?
Remember how every protest against Obama's broken, unfair policies and power grabs was treated as a sinister racist conspiracy? How every lefty false-flag effort to make them look violent or racist instantly got saturation media coverage? Get ready for that, times a THOUSAND.
It will be worse than under Obama because if you dare protest any of President Biden's commands, you'll be treated as if you're attacking the entire Black Lives Matter movement. Note how totalitarian regimes name everything after "The People" - People's Court, People's Army, etc.
And if Democrats have national power, every single town and city in America will be held hostage to the threat of more riots if Dems don't get their way. They'll let you know that nobody will be coming to help you if your resistance to their agenda "causes" more "unrest."
But if you RESIST the pressure brought to bear against you on the streets, you'll feel the crushing power of the State. Note how lefties chortle with glee at the thought of gun owners getting killed by the police or military if they resist a confiscation order.
So go ahead and vote Democrat if you want every city to become Minneapolis. And by the way, BLM, voting Democrat will wipe out any chance of actually addressing the failures of the system in George Floyd's death. Public employee unions have FAR more pull with Dems than YOU do.
Don't for a moment think you'll be allowed to pressure Democrats with street theater the way they're helping you undermine Republicans, BLM. You'll quickly learn your leadership has been co-opted by the Party, and the press coverage of your movement would turn sour very quickly.
You'll get plenty of concessions from Dem government at the expense of everyone else, to be sure - but the one thing you will never, ever get is reform that would make it easier to fire bad public employees, including police officers. Take it to the bank. /end
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