Pakistan mai I've noticed a trend currently where if you criticize IK's opening the markets and tourism stance, the trolls immediately froth at the mouth with 'TUM LOG PRIVILEGED HO you don't understand the hunger of poorz, IK is doing this to prevent ppl dying of hunger'

1) First, absolutely jaahil levels of prejudice to think everyone who can afford to have min one meal a day is anti-poor. Most of Pak is middle-class. Most of us aren't rich

2) Second: aside from some debatable concerns on whether IK gave mixed signals,
the fact remains that right at the start, back in February, instead of medical and scientific advice and messages to the country, his FIRST and repeated steps for a full month were to align with religious leaders addressing the nation and NOT medical leaders.

That itself is
completely unforgiveable and a damning indictment of his priorities.

Argument made is 'our people are more religious than rational, this was important'.

NO one's arguing that. We're arguing ONLY religious charlatans who openly called black ppl kaafir were given a state platform
And THEN, we have direct, legit videos of Imran Khan saying it's a flu and it'll pass.

Again, HE was making medical statements. HE was addressing the nation on what he thought was right, instead of letting medical specialists do so.

A PREACHER was given photo ops. Live TV.
NOT a medical specialist.

Most other countries, including the US which they keep referring to as an example, gave the PRESIDENT'S pulpit and platform on live tv to address the entire country, DAILY.

The poor aren't suffering because we don't care. They're suffering because
the leadership itself prioritized bending to religious leaders than forcing the same religious leaders to donate their billions to feeding the same poor.

We ALL know - for a fact, don't deny this - how many religious movements in Pakistan are filthy rich. We've ALL seen how
their preachers - hari pagri, ahle-e-sunnat, you name it - all travel First Class with Platinum Skywards cards, I've seen it with my own eyes.

They &their funders HAVE the money to feed the poor at this time and save this country.

Don't for ONE sec think this wasn't avoidable..
All it takes is an iron hand, specific, unmixed, direct and decisive action and decisions RIGHT from the start RIGHT from the top.

'But WHO gave mixed messages'. Bhai, is this the FIRST pandemic we faced? No. SARS and MERS were also there, no? We suffered then too, no?
We have the data and the history and the MEDICAL expertise in our specialists.

But to suddenly take cheap shots at people by saying they're anti-gov for the sake of it is pretty shit. No one cares about which gov is in charge, we care about why obvious things aren't done.
In which godforsaken stupid bizarro world does someone with 70,000 positive cases actually say hey open tourism otherwise people will die of hunger but please follow SOPs?

Your own YOUR OWN DAMN PARTY MINISTERS as early as last night cast doubts on Corona.
So we can argue about policies, WHO, test numbers, SOPs, one fact is clear and unacceptable:

How are you SO incompetent as a Prime Minister that your own ministers of PTI get away scot free saying whatever they want about COVID19? THAT is also outside your remit?
PTI supporters will either reply calling me names or subtweet me.

If you really think I'm wrong, then answer one question: despite people dying under Shaikh Rasheed watch as a PTI minister, why didn't IK fire him?

Answer this, and I'll agree with anything else you say. Ciao.
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