— The Untold Truth Of Danielle Panabaker, and others, undermining Candice Patton, a thread!
First, we’re going to start off with the way Danielle has tried to undermine Candice. This first example will be her baiting Snowbarry, a crackship made out of racial discrimination against Candice. Here is the proof.
Here is the first instance of Danielle baiting SB. Mind you, she openly admitted she saw the ship very early, which means she baited it whilst knowing of the hate Candice got from them.
Second instance. Not only did she bait the ship, she always romanticized sexual assault. Imagine how her fans that were sexual assault survivors must’ve felt. Her fans still use that scene in romantic edits. Candice was also sitting right there.
Third instance. Keep that ‘everyone loves a good love triangle’ quote in your mind - it’ll come back later.
Fourth instance. She continuously brings up Caitlin’s friendship with Barry and paints it as a romantic relationship but only refers to Caitlin’s relationship with Cisco as platonic. Why?
Again, referring to Caitlin’s relationship with Barry as something romantic but not Cisco. People like to defend this and say ‘the show was only starting, she wants to explore. Cait and Barry are friends.’ So are Cait and Cisco - why doesn’t she try to ship them too?
Here we have an excerpt of an interview where she once again romanticizes the assault between Caitlin and Hannibal Bates.
Now we’re going to move onto her tweets where she has promoted Caitlin and Barry, as well as even Barry and Patty but never Barry and Iris.
Second tweet. Mind you, she’s very aware of the hate Candice would get knowing she is constantly bringing up SB.
Third tweet. This tweet was made only last year - further enabling even more hate from SB’s towards Candice even after it’s clear Barry and Iris are endgame.
Here we have her promoting Barry and Patty, but again, never Barry and Iris. I’d also like to point out she’s never tried to promote anything having to do with Barry and Linda.
For the next examples, we’re going to move onto her trying to ignore and erase Candice’s part in Shethority. First example, in which she gives full credit to Caity Lotz and Katie Cassidy for Shethority when in fact, Katie hadn’t joined till much later and it was Caity and Candice
Second example. She again, only credits Caity Lotz for Shethority and no once decides to mention Candice’s role in this.
For this next part, I’m going to show quick excerpts from interviews where Danielle has only mentioned Shantel as another woman who could potentially be a friend for Caitlin when there’s been Iris since season one, or even Linda.
This part is going to be about the fact that Danielle compared the ‘hate’ she gets regarding different ships to the racial slurs and hateful comments Candice gets, even to this day, from her fans.
And this last part regarding strictly Candice is her posting a magazine shoot with her being called the ‘leading lady’ then blocking numerous people who called her out on it. Enough said? I think so.
Now, for these next parts, I’m going to show you how different actors and actresses have reacted to questions about Snowbarry. First is Miss Patton herself. In which, she is very vocal about her hate for love triangles. Remember when I said keep that quote from Danielle in mind?
Second reaction, from Candice again. She’s constantly advocating for women to be more than their male counterparts. Keep that quote from Danielle in mind.
Third reaction is from Grant himself now. In which, he’s also very vocal about the fact that he’s always wanted Westallen to happen.
Fourth reaction, Grant again. As respectfully as he could, he answered the awkward question from the fan, whom was also romanticizing sexual assault.
Fifth reaction. This one will be Rick Cosnett. When he was asked the same question Danielle was asked during the TV Guide interview in the beginning of the thread, he respectfully went on to talk about his own ship. Why couldn’t Danielle talk about that?
Now we’re going to move onto her racist behavior. First, we have this tweet regarding an article. Many of her fans like to justify this but let me ask this, if there was nothing racist about it, why‘d she delete it? The original tweet was racist and she became a racist apologist.
Second, we have the fact that she dated a white supremacist. Again, a lot of her fans like to say they didn’t date or they were on set. These photos are not on any set.
Third, we’re going to talk about the most recent event in which she was EXTREMELY tone deaf regarding the murder of George Floyd, posting about flowers and even cooking ads. Where Chris Wood called her out. Following this, she posted more stories which even her fans saw through.
Fourth, we’re going to talk about the fact that she deleted that first picture barely an hour after posting it. Something that was pointed out was it was art work made by a black woman. The post of George she posted, she also disabled the comments, knowing she‘d be called out.
Now let’s talk about her posting a Woody Allen, a sexual predator, quote just last year. I guess this explains her actions of romanticizing the assault Caitlin endured.
Now we’re going to bring up when Melissa Benoist was asked about a romance between Kara and Barry. She shut it down very quickly, despite the Flash being on season two, going on season three. That’s all Danielle had to do.
Now per the title, I insinuated I was going to include others. So let’s talk about Shantel Vansanten. First example, her blatant statement of her character, whom is known as ‘Police Brutality Patty’ said she would kill Iris, a black woman, so Patty could have Barry.
Moving onto Caity Lotz, over the past couple of years, it’s become clear She and Candice have drifted and Candice has drifted from Shethority. Now, Candice has gotten MUCH hate and no one, not even Caity, has stuck up for her. However, she jumped at the chance to defend Danielle.
Now, Caity also proceeded to delete more comments regarding Danielle being racist towards Candice but she decided to leave these ones for everyone to see. I think it speaks for itself.
And the third instance with Shethority was posting Melissa’s IGTV. Now, I want to say Melissa is one of the strongest women I know and deserves the love she received but Shethority did not repost Candice’s IGTV with the other Black women of DCTVU regarding racism. Why?
Now let’s talk about the Flash writers room, who have also baited Snowbarry despite knowing the origin as well.
And lastly, we’re going to talk about Emily Bett Rickards. Despite the friendship between Iris and Felicity being quite popular, Emily only talked about Caitlin and Patty. Patty who is a character Emily, or Felicity, ever met. Felicity has been friends with Iris since season one.
Feel free to add to this but I think this entire thread speaks for itself. In the end, Candice only has Azie, Anna, Meagan, Vanessa, Nafessa, Lesley and Ashleigh to depend on. Notice that they’re all Black women as well? That should bother you. Candice deserves better. 🤍
Something I didn’t post when I tweeted this, was her videos of the cooking ad. This is EXTREMELY tone deaf. Here’s the first one.
Second part.
Third part.
And another extremely tone deaf post was her posting this. A lot of people may not see the problem but the problem is these little chains do nothing. As well as the fact that even some of her fans have realized what she posted was strictly performative.
Here we have another blatant instance of her completely ignoring Candice’s character, Iris. This one really speaks for itself.
Let’s also talk about the fact that she only posted herself on International Women’s Day. While the Flash twitter and instagram accounts posted both she and Iris, Danielle only posted the same picture of her character. Again, I think this speaks for itself.
Here we have Danielle liking an anti-westallen post, a post which is clearly showing there’s been no stance of romance between SB.
This is getting a LOT of attention so please read this and sign petitions! The racism Candice experiences is important to talk about, but don’t only talk about it when it’s your idols. These are human lives. Use your voice. https://twitter.com/tpwkhollands/status/1265757092473954306
Here, we’re going to talk about how the writers, Kelly Wheeler in particular, was pandering Caitlin the entire episode and completely ignored Iris and liked numerous tweets of a romance between Barry and Caitlin.
Let’s also talk about how Danielle once again compared the ‘hate’ she got to the hate Candice continues to get.
Something that isn’t talked about enough is the nepotism her job is founded on. She got her job from a sexual predator. Caitlin was originally written as an older woman meant for a love interest for Dr. Wells. Need I say more?
Here we’re going to talk about the writers some more. A former writer completely disregarding Candice is the only female lead.
While here, we have the same writer baiting SB fans for an episode in which also included sexual assault, only assault Barry endured from Killer Frost where she romanticizes sexual assault as well.
And again, we have the same writer pandering SB, which again, was created out of racial discrimination against Candice, the leading lady she just previously tried to debunk.
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