My goal is to highlight at least one Black scientist a day for the rest of this month. Let's start with @MozzieFhal! She is an incredible entomologist who studies mosquitos! She also is an excellent science communicator and has spoken with NGO's and staff members in Congress!
Today's Black scientist is @scarlett_jazmin! She's a historical and social volcanologist that ties different fields together to understand people living in volcanic areas! Plus she describes volcanic activity in video games on her blog! SO COOL! 
Today's Black scientist is @Dr_AlexM! Alex is an ecosystem ecologist at @CBC_AMNH who looks at wetland/reservoir conservation. Alex is an excellent science communicator and actively makes STEM more inclusive to BIPOC, queer, and other folk! Check Alex out!
Today's Black scientist is @ama_pong! She studies the roles of metals and semiconductors in devices and how their properties and interactions affect device performance. She is also President of the @penn_state @Materials_MRS chapter and is an outstanding leader in @PennStateMatSE
Today's Black scientist is @Eurediculous! He is a PSU meteo grad student who specializes in using a combination of Doppler Radar and satellite observations in order to improve severe thunderstorm forecasts within numerical weather prediction models. Extremely interesting!
Today's Black scientist is @melliferocity! She researches honey bees 🐝 , honey bee pollen nutrition, and how they bring it in and how they use it! Tyler also works with communities through Citizen Science to better understand these phenomenon and she just defended her Masters!
Definitely give her and all these excellent Black scientists a follow!!!
Today's Black scientist is @TokenOfTheMonth! He's a nuclear engineer that observes changes in materials in fusion reactors! As plasma fluctuates and irradiates alloys in reactors, he used ion guns and CO2 lasers to see how the alloys react and change! (1/2)
He worked in the CMUXE and has conducted some extremely cool reasearch! As someone who does nuclear based research, I am geeking out so hard and I couldn't fit it all in one tweet! (2/2)"
Today's Black scientist is @DrGuiton! She is a professor at Calstate East Bay who looks at Toxoplasma gondii, a pathogen that can infect humans and most warm-blooded mammals. There's no effective therapy to treat a chronic infection, so she furthers understanding of the pathogen.
She's also an excellent science educator! She teaches the language of biology and scientific principles in a way that enriches students' daily lives, not as rote memorization that is learned and then repeated on a test. Inclusive and dedicated, she is an inspirational educator!
Today's Black scientist is @BugSalome! She's a marine ecologist that studies deep-sea ecosystems, primarily underwater mountains in the GalĂĄpagos Marine Reserve. Little is known about these ecosystems, and she is bringing these areas to light!
She's an incredible science communicator that shares her work with the world. She's written about her discoveries such as a kelp forest in the GalĂĄpagos ( ) and talked with kids about the underwater mountains, aka deep-sea seamounts ( )
Today's Black scientist is @camillelisa! She is the Deputy Manager for the Commercial Lunar Payload Services at NASA Johnson Space Center! She develops strategy and manages execution of NASA's mission to return to the Moon, 1st with US commercial companies.
She is a rocket designer, space scientist, internationally-acclaimed speaker, trailblazer and world leader!!! She is also founder+president of the Brightest Stars Foundation ( ), empowering girls+young women to pursue their passion through STEM education.
She is an absolute rockstar and has impacted the world in an incredible way! Learn more about her at !
Today's Black scientist is @jaded_kyra! She researches Gopher Tortoise population dynamics in St. Augustine, Florida! She's always loved the ocean but has found passion trekking through the woods.
She hopes to go into a graduate program in ecology and population biology! You got this Kyra!!! We're rooting for you! If anyone has advice for grad programs in those areas, send it her way.
Today's Black scientist is @EarthToLola! Dr. Fatoyinbo-Agueh is a research physical scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center! She produced the 1st 3D map of coastal mangrove forest height and carbon storage for the WHOLE WORLD, made from space-borne data.
Travelling the world to understand how mangroves influence the flow of carbon on Earth, she is an incredible scientist who covers the Earth from the mud and trees to the skies above! Check out more here!
Today's Black scientist is @Lexy_NeutronHTX! She teaches high school chemistry and physics, having earned her degree in Biological and Physical Sciences with a minor in Chem from The University of Houston-Downtown! At UofH, her research focused on sustainable material development
Now she is sharing passion for science with the bright young minds that enter her classroom! She's also getting her masters at the same time!! Not only is she a great teacher, student, and scientist, but she's also a great advocate for those with disabilities!
Having worked with adults with disabilities for 1.5 years to prepare them for the workforce, she knows firsthand how amazing and often underestimated they are! She's used this experience to create a more inclusive environment, in science and in life, for everyone around her!!
Today's Black scientist is @quarkchocho! She is the Associate Director of the Physics LA Program at Texas State and is an amazing physics education researcher! She focuses on identity development of women of color and LGBTQ+ women in physics, which is huge!
She blends together critical race theory, physics, and intersectionality, which is needed now more than ever. Thank you for empowering all of these groups, including Black physicists! You can also check out her awesome 46 Questions interview here. (
Today's Black scientist is @jhancsalazar! Initially he studied the evolutionary responses of Anolis lizards living on the Americas' mainland vs. the islands and found that some traits (like cold/heat tolerance) evolve faster in the mainland dwellers! Now he wants to know why!
He was also recently awarded the Afro-Colombian of the Year in the young category!!! It recognizes the best among the Afro-Colombian community in different categories. It's an extremely huge deal and it's very exciting to see how far Jhan is gonna go. 
Follow Jhan, check out his website , and watch him do more amazing work!
Today's Black scientist is @JasmineKwasa! She's a neuroscientist/engineer @ Carnegie Mellon. She looks at the ability to listen to 1 sound (e.g. a teacher) among other sounds (e.g. others in loud classroom) in young adults with ADHD! She's got a 3D interactive model of her BRAIN!
She's also used machine learning and educational data mining to further understand social and biological phenomena! On top of all that, she does incredible outreach work! She's in the Illinois Math and Science Academy Alumni Association and established a Minority Alumni Council.
She was also the Director of the E^3 mentoring program! Both groups include independent 1-on-1 mentoring programs for students of color and/or young WOC. She even hosts 305 Fitness classes, which are intense awesome cardio dance parties!
She is absolutely incredible and inspiring. Please check out her website  and follow her!
Today's Black engineer is @Cicisall! She's a Senior Professional Staff member at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. She's the FIRST black woman to earn a PhD in nuclear engineering from @UMich; she looked at using xenon for monitoring nuclear explosions for nonproliferation!!
She was recently selected as a @aaas IF/THEN Ambassador, which empowers women in STEM and inspires the next gen of pioneers. They connect with students in person and through various media platforms. Dr. Sivels is an incredible inspiration and is just starting to change the world!
One of today's Black scientists is @MiaLarrieu! She has studied a ton of different species across the U.S. and Latin America. She's looked into pika in the PNW, grassland bird nesting at UIUC, hummingbirds in Panama, and Hispaniolan woodpeckers in the Dominican Republic!!!
Though she's worked with diff. taxa (insects, herptiles, small mammals), she's most interested in birds! At UC Boulder, soon she'll be delving deep into Mountain and Black-capped Chickadee behavior, ecology, and hybridization! She plans on incorporating citizen science as well!
One of today's Black scientists is @NicoleJacksonMD! She's an incoming Medical Exmainer/Forensic Pathologist for Cook County in Chicago! Previously, she was a Forensic Pathology Fellow at @UNMPathology. Her interests include clinical/medico-legal autopsy, student teaching...
as well as quality improvement, and epidemiologic research! She has developed a lab test for Trichomonas vaginalis, reviewed the safety and efficacy of liver resectioning procedures and robotic thyroidectomy procedures. Dr. Jackson is an incredible medical professional!
She's constantly improving procedure quality, safety, and efficacy, increasing the visibility of Forensic Pathologists as first responders to threats on our nation’s life expectancy, and using population-based data to reduce the number of preventable deaths. Thanks Dr. Jackson!
Today's Black scientist is @jarildy! She's a Post-Bacc Scholar (NU PREP program) at Northwestern and will soon be joining the Neuroscience PhD program at Emory! She studies a group of cells to reveal how they contribute to visual processing and better understand vision (ipRGCs)!
Previously, she was a research assistant at Colby College, where she helped with experiments investigating the effects of choline on human health and its neuroprotective properties against psych disorders. She wants to combine her interests in neuroscience, ecology & evolution...
to explore ecologically relevant animal behaviors in the context of evolution!🧠⏰She's done amazing neuro research and we can't wait to see what she'll do next! Check out her work and follow her on her amazing journey!
You can follow @TomNigl.
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