The UK isn’t racist. A thread.
Our Prime Minister advocates for white supremacy in Africa.
One rule for one group, another for anyone else
How Mark Duggan was portrayed by the media. The cropped image was use to show him as a thug and a criminal.

He was holding a memorial of his late daughter.
Racist sloganning during election campaigns, history has a way of repeating itself...
"Now we get to the real nigger in the woodpile, which is in two years what happens if there is no deal." Morris, 2017,
Representing human beings as a disease or as swarms
Overt racist abuse towards the East Asian community. This, along with the fetishisation of East Asian women is an issue that should be highlighted more.
The consistent hounding of Meghan Markle by the press. None of this energy was given to Kate.
Racist abuse from the stands at the Chelsea vs City game. @sterling7 responding the way a champion does.
Grenfell. A shining example at how unvaluable the lives of ethnic minorities are. The actual fire, the response and the way the victims were treated.
The Windrush scandal. British citizens being wrongly deported, detained and denied their rights. A perfecr example of the hostile, xenophobic and institutionally racist environment that Brexit has fostered.
The MET use force against the black community at a disproportionate rate.
Boris Johnson with another feature
Brexit fostered a hostile environment towards the ethnic minorities of Britain
Right now, in June - 2020
Itv intentionally misquoting Stormzy and allowing him to come under fire from racist abuse after he said that there ‘100% is’ racism the the UK
Bojo with a hattrick
Sarah Reed. Eerily similar to Sandra Bland’s death.
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