@BrandeisU This woman, a chronic pain pt, committed #SuicideDue2Pain after being cut off her meds. Since your illustrious 'Dr.' Kolodny blocks #cpp on Twitter bc our being 'very vocal' about the misappropriated @cdc @supportprop 'guidelines', ask him if THIS is "totally bogus"?
Since accidentally deleting my original pinned tweet, I'm attempting to replace as much information pertinent to #opioidhysteria & the mistreatment of #cpp as possible. Please add whatever articles/graphs/pics/comments/links you think are needed. Thanx. https://twitter.com/Chronic_FLKeys/status/1097061137751908353?s=19
The link above was immediately under the original pinned tweet. If you open it there is some of the lost information.
Reckitt Benckiser, whose spin-off company is now Indvior, created Suboxone. Indivior was indicted by the DoJ for a lot of the same things Perdue has been & has paid out the largest opioid settlement to date: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-obtains-14-billion-reckitt-benckiser-group-largest-recovery-case
"Doctors" such as this @supportprop member cause great harm to fellow human beings & attempt to dispell scientific knowledge by claiming anyone who takes pain medication is by default an addict. How is being in pain the same as #addiction??
In the tweet below, he claims people suffering from depression are too high risk to have their pain appropriately treated. There is a hard push among the #ProPainAdvocates to label those in agony with whatever mental disorder that they deem the "TRUE" cause of pain.
Don't you think it's a bit odd that these lawsuits took off right around the time the money from the Tobacco Lawsuits started to run out??
You can follow @Chronic_FLKeys.
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