Thread on corporations supporting riots
Nickelodeon just straight up BLM posting... lmfao wtf???
straight up delaying your own events lmfaoooo
Check out (@ s0ny)'s timeline, its nothing but this stuff
The volume of this is insane, basically ever major company started posting stuff like this within the same 3 day timespan. I guess they had all these PR/Media guys ready to go for f---ot month so they may as well get their moneys worth.
what do you even say
more companies changing plans... lol???
we live in an unreal world
idek what this company is lol
not a corporation, but still funny af
creator of the worst video game of all time
still hiding from criticism lolol
from the people who ruined Elder Scrolls and Fallout, we bring you this tweet!
(bonus point for f** flag)
playing to their demographic, I see
I dont know anyone who even plays EA games
all of this really does feel like some sort of sketch comedy bit, its too funny
video games have been subverted so hard, like come on guys... lmfao
another timeline full of nothing but this stuff...
its very interesting look at the specific types of companies that are doing this, most of them are media/gaming/tech
Weird seeing the "millions of dollars to end racism" thing keep popping up... lol........ hmmmmmmm
reading off a speech like its a surrender/submission, lmfao what a cvck
it just doesnt end, lmfao
if I did new agencies, celebs, e-celebs, politicians, etc. supporting this... itd go on forever!!!!!
oh and this too
meanwhile at Snapchat
and now things get crazy...
No more McChickens for me :/
Satoru Iwata rolling in his grave rn
the avi combo always gets me
In case you were wondering why it was trending....
gross af
Its interesting to see this develop
At first it was only media/tech companies, now its LITERALLY EVERY COMPANY IN THE WORLD
double psyop
Was gonna copy pasta the image, but the caption is perfect
I dont eat these anyways, I dont like fisting holes
so much money being thrown around, if you have more time then me, TRACK THE MONEY!!!
lol virgin
The global finance system says "BLACK LIVES MATTER"
Glow in the dark-
so brave, and necessary!
corporate individuality
Its literally endless
Imagine writing this and getting paid for it, lmfao I wouldnt be able to not laugh
Wait a second....
brand cvcks btfo
Satan approves of Black Lives Matter!
Not a corporation, but absolutely disgraceful
Cant take this anymore
Im sick
Non-whites are now gaining even more corporate benefits and privileges
remember when all their customers and employees got f**ked lol
big oil has entered the arena
idk if I have already posted this before, but I just wanted another chance to say Mojang is a terrible game dev/publisher and Notch did nothing wrong
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