Black Saints Matter

In a time of unjust killings and riots, African Americans are seeking hope where there appears to be none. The Orthodox Church has preserved the lives of many Black Orthodox Saints who we called learn from in our walk with Christ.

#BlackLivesMatter #BLM 1/21
This thread is to remind us that our fight is not mostly physical, but spiritual. Demons attack man everyday, causing some to commit evil, and us to respond likewise with evil.

We must be like our Orthodox Saints, who fought evil and injustice.

#ICantBreathe 2/
Saint Moses the Black, AD 330 - 405, was a slave to an Egyptian Official. He was dismissed after being accused of robbery and murder.

After this, poor and impoverished, he sought a life of crime, becoming a gang leader of a notorious group of bandits. 3/
Moses was once seeking to rob a local landowner, but the owner was alerted by the dog. Now seeking to kill the owner and the dog, Moses tried again, and again the owner was alerted.

In anger, Moses stole and slaughtered the sheep of the land, but now the authorities sought him.
He found refuge in a monastery. While there, he heard the call of the Lord to repentance, and requested to be tonsured an Orthodox monk, but he was initially rejected on his criminal past.

Showing the power of God to change hearts, he persisted in his request. 5/
Saint Moses subjected himself to the harshest praying and fasting rules, proving himself to the monks and more importantly to God. He was subjected to constant attacks of temptation towards violence and lust, and yet with God through prayer, he overcame. 6/
Saint Moses shows us that we don't need to let criminality define us. We don't have to play into the game that tries to make us into criminals. With Christ, we can overcome what harms us. It will not come from listening to the Devil and his calls to violence. 7/
Saint Kaleb of Axum, AD 510 - 540, also known as Saint Elesbaan of Ethiopia was an Orthodox Christian monarch of the Empire of Axum when it was brought to its greatest extent ever, and all for the protection of the Orthodox Christian Faith. 8/
When given notice that Jewish Warlords were oppressing Orthodox Christians in Yemen and Himyaritia, much like how many slave ships to America were owned and operated by Jews, Saint Elesbaan mobilized immediately to invade the area. 9/
Saint Elesbaan crushed the warlord, and cared for the Orthodox Christians left reeling from the oppression. He even imported Bishops from the Byzantine Empire such as Saint Gregentios to help rebuild destroyed Orthodox Churches and monasteries. 10/
Saint Elesbaan teaches us not to fight against each other, but defend each other. African Americans are a divided flock. We fight ourselves, degrading both genders for baseless stereotypes when we could be saving ourselves and each other through Jesus Christ. 11/
Saint Djan Darada, also known as Saint Aetius, is the Ethiopian Eunuch in the Book of Acts

While in Jerusalem, he was made aware that the prophesied Messiah of the Old Testament had arrived by the Apostle Phillip. St Djan was overcome with joy and then requested baptism. 12/
Together with the Apostle Matthew, both of them went to Ethiopia as instructed to by God.

When they arrived in Ethiopia, St Matthew placed down a wooden rod which grew into a tree with delicious fruit and welled up a spring that healed the sick. 13/
While this converted many Ethiopians, Prince Fulvianus, a devout pagan, despised these actions and ordered St Matthew be burned at the stake.

12 Idols were placed around the fire. The idols were burned down, and St Matthew was martyred, but his body remained unharmed. 14/
Prince Fulvianus, doubting the miracle, had the body thrown into an iron coffin into the sea. That night, the coffin washed ashore with the body fully preserved.

The Prince then repented of his work, resigned as prince, and was baptized as Matthew into the Orthodox Church. 15/
Saint Djan teaches us to trust the messengers of peace, our Bishops, who are here to care for us. They are Christ's shepherds for us the faithful. Saint Fulvianus shows us that rejecting the one sent by Christ does not decrease God's power to change our hearts. 16/
Saint Maurice was an Orthodox soldier of the Theban Legion preparing to fight for the Roman Empire in Switzerland.

Before going out, they were instructed to sacrifice to pagan idols. Now they whole Theban Legion was Orthodox Christian, so they refused. 17/
Emperor Maximian tried to intimidate the Theban Legion by decimating them. Saint Maurice urged them to stand fast in the Orthodox Faith.

Maximian ordered another decimation, but could not rock their faith in Christ and his Church. 18/
Finally seeing that they would never be quelled, Maximian ordered that the whole Theban Legion be martyred for their faith, and they laid to rest in the Lord in AD 286.

But the pagans don't know that when they kill us, we don't die, but live forever in Heaven. 19/
Saint Maurice teaches us that in the face of persecution, we must stay true to our God, his Church, and our people. We must defend and protect them, not finding ourselves to be the aggressors. Christ will guide us out of every affliction if we focus on him. 20/
I encourage everyone to read "The Orthodox Way" by Kallistos Ware, and "Orthodox and the Religion of the Future" by Saint Seraphim Rose

You can always message me about Orthodox Christianity if you want to learn more. /END
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