I quit my 9-5 thanks to Twitter
My Story

June 1, 2020

The day I finally decided to bet on myself.

The journey to get here has not been an easy one.

Before you get excited about quitting your job let me briefly tell you how it actually went down.
My 2019 New Years Resolution was to earn $1 online.

It took me 9 months to get there.


I have tried and failed many strategies to earn online.

And Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll continue to do so.
Last year I decided to take my online venture to the next level when my wife and I found out we were expected our 2nd child.

I knew I had to do something, my 9-5 just wasnā€™t cutting it.

I pushed harder to learn and made waking up at 5am part of what I do.
Not because I like to.
But because I knew I had to.

If I was going to get anything done and eventually overcome my 9-5 I had to take advantage of the silent early morning hours.

So I hustled.

Each day was different.

Some days I didnā€™t make any progress.

Other days I had major break throughs.
I struggled. And I learned.

One of the most powerful habits I created along the way is journaling.

The more I journaled, the more good days I had.

The more concrete my vision got.
And the more clear my vision was the better direction I received.
Each step became more and more clear and I knew what needed to be done each day.

Fast forward 9 months to Feb 20, 2020 & our baby was born.

While on paternity leave I discover ā€˜this sideā€™ of Twitter and took full advantage.

Made connects, grew, created content, wrote an eBook.
It gave me a taste of the potential that comes from this platform.

Once I tasted it I knew I had to lean into my creativity.

The more I leaned into my creativity, the more I felt tied down while at work.

It became a struggle.

And I knew I had to take the leap.
Due to some family matters it seemed to be a good time so I did it.

I quit my 9-5.

But I did it while accepting the risk.

Before you go do the same, you need to understand.

Financially, this is a huge risk.


I have two kids and a wife.

My back is up against the wall.
I have no choice but to succeed.

I am betting on myself.

I am taking my time back.

I am taking control.

I am creating my destiny.

And Iā€™m at peace with my risk.

Iā€™m betting that I can do more with my time than my job can.

And, quite frankly, I know Iā€™m right.
There will certainly be bumps along the way.

And Twitter isnā€™t the end goal.

But for right now,

Iā€™m all in.

Iā€™m all in on giving it my best shot to lean into my creativity and leverage a platform that reaches thousands of people a day.
And Iā€™ll continue to learn, try, grow, & scale as I go.

I never would have thought I would be in this position this soon.

Twitter has actually helped speed up the process, and Iā€™m grateful for that.
If youā€™re considering quitting your job, just remember, this didnā€™t happen overnight.

And thereā€™s still a lot of work that needs to be done.

The real hustle starts now.

My advice is to spend a lot of time reflecting and evaluating.

Where do you want to be 5 years from now?
What can you do today to help you get there?

If you need help, I created a Personal Growth Journal to guide you along your journey.

Journaling guided me to quitting my 9-5 and it can do the same for you. http://Highperformancelife.carrd.co 
I also created a platform that I wish I had last year when I spent 9 months of my life trying to discover how on earth I could make money online.

It seemed impossible.

But itā€™s actually very, very simple.
The Twitter Growth Coalition will not only help you scale your account but youā€™ll begin earning monthly revenue if you follow the steps correctly.

Plus, there are a million additional benefits for TGC members to save and earn.
We have just completed the first full month and members are earning, on average, 4x their payment.

Thatā€™s just the average, others are earning hundreds of recurring dollars each month / thousands per year!!

Life changing.

Imagine what you could do with that.
Why didnā€™t someone show me something like this 16 months ago?!

Now you have it so you donā€™t have to go through what I went through. Thatā€™s exactly why I created it.

Enjoy now, thank me later.

Click Here: http://growthcoalition.carrd.co 
I owe you all an incredibly huge thank you.

Thanks for your support.

Your shared knowledge.

Your attitudes.

Your help.

The journey has just begun.


All in.
You can follow @DallenReber.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword ā€œunrollā€ to get a link to it.

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