And since it's pride month😌❤️ #Asexuality doesn't mean, that ppl are pure and innocent.
Some ace ppl do enjoy sex, inappropriately jokes, talk openly about sex, but still don't feel sexual attraction.
Others are repulsed, doesn't want to have sex / don't enjoy it & that's okay❤️
#Aromantic doesn't mean, that some aro ppl don't want an relationship. They might desire one, wish for one, even have a very healthy relationship (so do ace ppl)
They just don't feel romantic attraction or just a little bit
It's the lack of romantic attraction like it's for Aces.
Romantic attraction =/= romantic desire
Sexual attraction =/= sexual desire

Very very important.
Some are 100% ace/aro, others aren't.
Still the lack of the attraction.
And often aces are aro and aro are aces too, but it isn't a must be 😌❤️

Demi-ace/aro are a thing too!
Kinda late in this thread, but still important.

If you enjoy masturbation / sex, you're still ace.
If you're in an relationship, you're still aro.
If you don't want anything of this, that's fine too.
If you never had anything of this, that's super okay.
It isn't a must have 😌❤️
(please feel free to add facts, if I forgot something ❤️ be polite and friendly, fam 😤)
I'm actually surprised that the very first tweet blew up from my thread.
You're welcome uvu
Hope you feel a bit educated now about asexuality and aromantic 💞

Don't forget about us, we're part of the LGBTQ+ community, since love is more than sexual or romantic attraction 💕
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