Time for a thread on the Reichstag fire and how the Nazis used it to consolidate power and eliminate all civil rights in Germany. The Reichstag burned 27 Feb 1933. Hitler, Goering and Frick seized on this to create their dream of a police state.
2/ One day later, the "Reichstag Fire Decree" was passed. "Sections 114/115/117 etc of the Constitution are suspended until further notice. Restrictions on free expression, freedom of press, privacy, warrants for house searches etc are also permissible beyond the legal limits. ."
3/ Next section of the decree talks of incarcerating anyone who "incites disobedience" or "provokes or incites an act contrary to public welfare" -- this made it simple to round up offenders with no court involvement and throw them into camps.
4/ The Reichstag Fire Decree also specifies death penalty for crimes such as treason, poisoning, arson, serious disturbance of the peace, or conspiring to kill a member of the government.
5/ Perhaps the removal of civil liberties was part of what Hitler meant when he said "Give me four years" in this poster (actually he achieved this in less than 8 weeks).
6/ The fire decree was only the first step, however. A month later the Reichstag passed the "Enabling Act" - the cornerstone of the new dictatorship. The Party detained 107 opponents first, then SS troops occupied the Kroll Opera House (temp quarters) to intimidate those left.
7/ The Enabling Act, the "Law for Alleviating the Distress of the People," allowed the Nazis to write laws outside of the usual, constitutional method. The Supreme Court did not challenge it, and from then on, Hitler, Goering, Frick, et al, wrote laws at their convenience.
8/ The Reichstag, under Goering;s leadership, changed the rules of procedure to pass the act. They reduced the quorum needed and jailed as many opponents as they could find. Goering declared as "present" anyone absent with no excuse. Some had already fled. Page 1 in German:
9/ The original signature page, from wikipedia. (I wonder, was there rejoicing in the Chancellery that night?)
10/ Passage of the Act meant the effective end of the Reichstag and the actual end of opposition (other parties became illegal in July). It was the beginning of a long, dark night in Europe. 70-80 mill people would die in the coming war.
11/ If you've read this far, the real question is. . .could anyone have stopped this? That's also the most relevant question for the US today. We can see the parallels with history. But can we do anything to prevent this from happening again? (suggestions welcome!)
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