Kitten thread loading...
We have never been cat people. It's a thing about allergies.
My son has rescued a kitten.
And now they're inseperable.
Mr Jack Gibbels the cat.
Mr Gibbels' first walk
Post workout nap
Mr Gibbels is always hungry. Clearly gets that from @CorkeDev who is also always hungry.
Also... Does anyone know anything about Maine-coon kittens?
One kitten circuit
Work mates
Spot the kitten
Mr Jack Gibbels wearing his new jacket. He'll grow into it.
Never mind the jacket, okes.
Check out my walrus whiskers.
And my weights.
King of the castle.
This kitten getting big.
I don't know much about cats. But this one rescued from a drain seems to be growing very fast.
Sleeps like a husky
Headrubs like a Husky.
Spot the kitten.
Favourite perch
This kitty is too much. Must sit on Dev's shoulder like a parrot.
The return of the Bonzai Kittens
The magic
Kitty pull-ups.
Just like Dad.
Tough day for a kitten
Cool cat Gibbels.
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