Republican bigots like Rick Wilson incessantly stoked racial divisions for political gain. "Fear is easy." he says. "I wanted to scare the living shit out of white people in Pennsylvania & Ohio. Today, they would all be Trump voters I'm sure." Their racism brings power and profit
And don't come @ me with "people change" BS. Here is Rick Wilson in August 2017 bragging about the racially charged Reverend Wright anti-Obama ad he produced and taking shots at Obama. Trump had been elected for 9 MONTHS when Rick wrote this.
Seriously. So many people, MSM, politicians, have rehabilitated Rick Wilson- a MF stone cold bigot as some kind of moral leader. Allowing this, excusing it away is how we keep this shit festering. It's what paves the road to a Trump presidency.
And his hate is not reserved for just Black people.
He hates Muslims.
Doesn't matter what "flavor" even. He hates them all.
Anti Semitic Soros smears? Check. For years he sheperded that vile rhetoric into the MSM. In 2017 he was calling Trump adviser Gary Cohn, a Jew, "globalist." Mind numbing how Wilson gets a pass for his years bigotry.
Lesbians? Hates them too. He repeatedly uses the word "lesbian" in a condescending, demeaning and insulting manner to normalize and contribute to homophobia. He uses the derogatory and offensive word "dwarf" and "midget." But yeah. Let's make this guy our hero.
Democrats? He hates us.
Trans people? Check. Rick Wilson has targeted them too.
I'm aware some of you are tired of me hammering on this but I'm weary. We're a nation of bystanders who allow the Rick Wilson's of the world to operate with impunity. Atrocities and injustices against minority groups cannot happen without whole societies to enable the architects
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